Thursday, May 30, 2013

If you left me today, of what would I miss?

If you left me today, of what would I miss?


Self and confidence are equal to the emotions we experience.


For of self are the things we share rarely, of these intimacy is king and passion is queen, all others serve them.


Confidence is our actors script, things everyone see’s, of these deed is king and action is queen.


Our life is our opportunity, our chance to see and believe we are equal to or worthy of the emotions we experience.


Alas love is where our story is told. For with my actions and deeds, do I explain passions of life, for it to become intimacy it must be returned. In this at least there is no denial.


Of what would I miss?


Friday, May 24, 2013

A letter to a friend I have not met.


Bob Johnson, my esteemed friend I have yet met;


Dear Sir: When I set out to write this email it was to ask for your assistance with a discussion about has God become persona non grata, on the linkedIn website, under Creative Designer and Writers an interesting place to find such a discussion. Link attached;


I guess I need to introduce myself, I am but a humble man confused about God as I was taught, I know I believe that there is a God, but I can no longer believe in religious confusions. I come from a small town in Utah, while my father and his father were LDS, my Mother would never claim it nor any church teachings, but she would simple say I believe there is a God and nothing more, I always thought that odd.   


As I grew and went about life, I had the luxury of traveling about the world; I spent almost six years in the Middle East and the holy land, not as a missionary but as an observer a photographer. The many images I captured during that time were of the people, and the devastation they lived. The views of such are notable only in the fact that the reasons for this devastation was that one of three main religion groups of Hebrew doctrine were involved in killing others in the name of God. I always thought that was not what God wanted, I could not see how a God would so develop a distaste for the very beings he created that the only answer was to kill them even unto a child.


Upon my return I became so upset that I began to depress and isolate away from as much of humanity as I could. My mother would on occasion attempt to reach me with kind words about God and why she believed the way she did. She told me of my heritage to this Nation and the many examples of my fore fathers. At the time it never really seemed to help, I still preferred to isolate away.


Life provides the best education through the eyes and hearts of a child.


As my chosen profession of that of the observer, I found that I had to be within society to observe as well as provide away in which to survive. I met a wonderful woman who until I pass shall forever remain at my side, her love and devotion to me and as time progressed to our children since their birth is unequaled in my opinion. It has been through that love and devotion, which I found a reason to look again at my beliefs in God. For like any father I want what is best for my children even if that means I have to explain how and why I am the way I am.


I have been for many years comfortable within my belief that there is a God, it is easily reflected in the wonder or laughter of any child, and becomes a very large voice when it is done by your own child.


In my many attempts on this forum of discussion, I have tried to explain the pain I seen, and feel inside about how messed up religion is if there is a belief that others are to this date still put to death by the name of a God of Hebrew descent. During the process of writing and attempting to explain I remembered Thomas Paine, how he so eloquently explained even with cantor to others his beliefs. It was in research of his writings that I found your website. There on your site was the letter to Samuel Adams dated the 30th of November 1802, which I had looked for.


As I browsed the website, the many little examples of my heritage within this nation as spoken from a Mother to son became clearer. As well as why she believed as she does. You see it was my fore father who stood with Samuel Adams, Ben Franklyn, Thomas Paine and followed George Washington in this development of an idea of this nation, it was letters and writings that inspired him to stand and to teach of the reason why we became a nation to his children and them to me.


I wish I had clarity and the abilities of such men as them.


As this letter has become a larger task than I first conceived, it also settled the need for assistance. For it settled my under lying beliefs.  The first; being that this nation has a reason; That every one has a choice to belief as they will.  That the persecutions based on ones faith is still happening. That we as a product of God have a responsibility to point out what is not right, then provide way for the right to be herd.


It is with these reinforced beliefs that I write this letter, in hope that it may help even if just one. I am still only me and can only see that with which I seek, that another may find a belief, one that stands for what is right.


Your esteemed friend yet met.



Saturday, May 11, 2013

A link betweent genius and insanity?

Is there truly a link between genius and insanity?


I think it is easy to look outside rather than in.


As I grew up I was a bit different than the neighbor kids sure like the others I could and would play right tackle any day, yet at the same time I would be just as happy with a pen and paper, nothing important just doodles and notes things I seen. I remember when I was young being teased for carrying a pen. This changed me inside I started to hide.


The appearance of genius and insanity being linked is just that a perception. The fact that one has higher than normal intelligence, is also a perception. Albert Einstein loved to glamorize that fact, to the point where it has now become “in” or “cool” to make that as a statement. If you look outwardly at the man you see the messed-up hair, the un-kept look that was part of glamorizing, How many images are there of him that you remember while was writing on a calk board? Yet quickly does the image of the eyes crossed, tongue out, close-up come to mind.


Of himself I don’t think we would as easily agree to being different.


Modern culture is about a stylized approach to defining itself, we use and are a part of this everyday, we idolize the artist, the genius, and we expect them to be extravagant, down to their clothing. ( thank you again Albert.) Hugh Heffner comes to mind, we believe that those who say or think out side the confines of our culture boundaries, must live differently to the point that if an artist can pull it off there are millions to be made.


As for the idea that society or a sub-society being filled with genus I think we are about to find out. Look our level of education world wide is growing as fast as the internet. More and more people from every society are asking more questions, and more and more are logging online.


What was available to read and understand in my life time has changed. With the power of the internet, which is not its access, is that it is self correcting. My son who is three has a billion times a billion times more information than that was available to me even while I was in college.


The law of attraction immediately applies.


As for a few other human laws, for every genus that becomes famous there are a hundred who were not. This is a law of our society, yet there is no secret of success.


Genus like intelligence and wisdom can be achieved. All it takes is a belief, (a dream if you will.)  desire, and a willingness to make both failures and successes.


However being a recluse is a behavior of self preservation rather than being ridiculed.

I still hide.


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

So back to reality the Deity's is fine.

So back to reality if you will, I don’t think the our Deity’s are to blame for any decline, I would hold the authors and editors to blame, they have put us in great pearl by the discrepancies a lone. Yet there are fundamental truths in each. 


However the clouding of the lessons which we all would agree is in the confusion in which we edify.


I think our deity’s are fine; we should not confuse the message. It is our approach.


I wish we all could see the beauty of the fresh dew upon a rose, for the miracle in which it is. Surely in its softness will you find the love of God. As you will then see the water as his tear.


The Deity’s are fine.

All kinding aside

Okay okay all kidding aside I was struggling with the other theories I have herd. To ponder the reason of why a god would loose attention.


The realists; God did not call me up on the cell phone and say I am going on vacation and I want you to fill in. I wish but not really. I have never been one to think its only about me.


The scientists theories and this includes Darwin, how much could one write about?


Bang we are here!!!,

Eat to be eaten, although I am down with Xmen and zombies thus think them entertaining they miss the power of the hammer of something beyond them.


Ok there is one good one the alien theory;


If ET came here and messed with Darwin’s facts and DNA, They have done good, they trained their food source to huddle up.


Okay I tried….


In Mans entire history there has always been a deity. They all have had there day, some slow some quickly they became replaceable. Are we standing on the dawn of such a day?  


Or are we coming to the understanding that we all have an idea, one with which we hold dear, and we are now able to see if its applications apply to the whole of our societies.  


Either way it is quite entertaining.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The misssing

Ah now on to the missing, of what we perceive;


A story was told of a Diner to see, with Jesus to right for everyone to see,


Of who is she to thy left of thee, what honored be deceived of thee.



Questions unanswered

A trickster of what we weave,

What do we see?

Folklore, legend and myths;

Folklore, legend and myths;


And of Lilith?


Lilith, scorned and rejected by both man and god of where do you walk? Lurking in deserted places; Condemned yet not Dammed. Of thy stories do the Mothers wail!


Better for man to worship salt, knowing too little, like using too much will cause pearl.


Alas for we missed the first lesson, your beauty can be pure, yet your character can be rejected.

Monday, May 6, 2013


Photography and writing are a media of art. A craft in which I am but an apprentice, a smith in learning, how to captivate a moment, a thing of pause for those who choose to perceive an art.   


Sorry for my plunder, Alas a apprentice.

A simple truth.

To a soul a simple truth, when you set there knowing the end there, your thoughts will be of what you gave, that is why we are hear, the story of man, your story.


How shall we remember, of what shall we talk, this it not.


Now shall we return to a concept of God? Or shall I set in solitude of a moment, a pause to wonder what I gave.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Let me be me

Alas I am handicapped by the left side of my brain.

The Coin of life;

Life can be described as if life is like a coin, the sides of the coin can explain how I wish to be seen, what others see, and the thin reality.

I can put efforts into what I wish others would see, the person, the man, the father, the artist, these efforts are still only what I wish, but that wish is what I hold as myself.

Others will only see that which they are looking for, that description can be as chiseled as that of what “I wish”. It is that which they “seek”, totally personal to each as they look.

The thin reality, is the thin side of common ground between “the wish” and “the seek”. It is set with folly and expectations, the fears, and the dreams play equally in the hammering of the thinness. Yet it is the only part of the life, “the coin” I value for it is the only thing I really share.

Alas, My folly in this is I am neither the giant of my dreams, nor the dwarf of my fears. Neither can I be for another.

I will present to another only the things of myself, I feel safe in explaining, the rest shall be kept with me.

May you all find what you seek, if you seek comfort then find comfort, if you seek God let there be God.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Dawn of a new day

Dawn of a new day

As the sun slowly raises upon this new day, we look not to yesterday nor yester year, instead we gaze upon the world like the sunrays that falls ever so lightly upon soft subtle pedal of a rose peering only for our journey to begin.

Like the dew of yesterday’s knowledge, and the nutrients of our character, we stretch our deeds making them lie together as boarders of our paths, we bring with us our friends family and loves and set out for our journeys end.

Long will our walk be. Our paths may hopefully be level for a while, uneven shall our pride and egos make each day, surely we shall stumble on the dust of our actions and words. Taking only our courage, we brush away our failures, our mistakes; we quiet the noise of our fear with the humbling affects of our journeys sounds.

We reach forth to achieve a dream, blinded only by yesterday, we grab our desire add in our determination, pausing only to look for a moment of where we have been. We peer at our struggles like roots in the ground; we free ourselves of them only when they are found.

We take our emotions and hammer them with our craft, until they appear in enchanted and dear or demented with fear. We bring it all to bare as we display the silhouette of our passions unbridled fair, for today like a Childs first breath of air we start our journey all over again.