Sunday, February 3, 2013

Yea Right????

I very seldom say anything political.   Yea right!


The Presidents little photo opportunity on game day was something to see, what a perfect way of getting to say something without all the political instant feedback. This guy is smart and some of the things he said well to be honest, ABOUT GAWD DAMNED TIME!




A woman is just as capable as I am in combat, and frankly are a welcome point of thoughts during stressful situations. Their strengths are needed.


I do not care who you sleep with or call honey.


Last but sure not least taxes might actually become fair, hide your money in offshore accounts or not, you need to pay the same as a bus driver, a police officer or me.


What is cool about all of this? Well think for a moment the Super bowl has been going on for years, Network TV is all about the money on those ads. They are about this show, big business jumps at the chance to tell all of us views what to buy. Here comes the President. (  I expected the popcorn, chips, wings and a glass of  beer or wine. ( I am drinking a wonderful Sangria, to go with the Yard birds going in the oven.)


Guess what he took the same time as many Presidents before him and cheered the Game!  This time he stated some of his agenda without all the instant feedback that most times confuse the issue.


There was no Republican or Democrat instantly saying “Well that’s not ok!”


At least not during the Super Bowl Show.


Dam this guy is smart.

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