Saturday, November 8, 2014

Things that need to be addressed

I do not think I could do a list of the top ten things that need be addressed, however there are few things that we must make note of.


When I step away from this laptop and go about my day, the anger I feel by the time the day is done sometimes is too much to express, I pointed you to a bit of one problem just the other day, it’s a manipulation, what it is doing is wrong.


War everyone knows is such a wrong, yet either by Media or Political it seems to being promoted. So much so that options of reason, options of LAW are not even discussed, so quickly is the call for War.


Now we look at our Service Members, you look them dead in the eye you know they did their job. Now I got the very same feelings when I met the survivors of WWII, it would seem every action since. The reason of which many relied on the action of just a few, the few stepped forward.


Iraq 1.0 Iraq 2.0 and Iraq/Syria 3.0 What we know, a coalition formed and drove a Man who to Took a Country, out of that country. Stop *, a few years later we were told of his abilities to do even worse, Weapons were the reason, more years of War, Occupation, We were told JOB done, STOP*, eight months later we see and hear of a Group of Criminals ( a group of Mad Men.) .


We all seen the line of Tanks, the Army of Iraq with Hands Raised leave their posts drop their guns. We all seen how fast, how precise how deadly our response, we all seen that. Yet the Coalition stopped, we left the Mad Man in charge, we left him broken. The Coalition did not Occupy, did not leave him Defenseless.


Defenseless we were told, this Mad Man showed what he does for defense, he completely rebuilt his “Defense”, then took his anger out on his country, His conventional weaponry for sure maybe his Biological, and Chemical was rebuilt, or just purchased either point is mute, he went out on the market and bought a bunch of weaponry.


Eight months of time, a Group of Criminals Armed with modern weaponry, a Group of Mad Men, not only run a mock in one country but in two. The ability to run to other side of a Boarder, Grab a few Tanks ( they must have just been laying around like those Modern guns and Rockets.) then run and take on the “Defenses” we left in place and took that equipment.


Back to the 1.0 again, we were so worried about being on the right side, about being the liberators we wanted to make sure we did not have to do this again. We had our congressman and our representatives do a few things, We made them make it Illegal to Arm Mad Men, the whole Coalition agreed members of that Coalition made the same LAWS in their Country and even asked the UN to adopt the same Law.


In between 1.0 and 2.0 a lot of things happened, you see in our attempt to promote democracy, we have been doing a few things, we have been training and arming rebels to fight communism, one such rebel became angry at us after the communist left. So he took all our Training and Arms and well we know the results, he and his guns are no more, and no one wants to be labeled of his gang.


Now all during this part of history, there was another history being built, the “Defense” of our South American Neighbors, you see there is this Gang of Criminals of Mad Men, so we Arm and Train the Governments in the name of Defense, Now we have a Coalition who also supports this. We have UN agreements, we have taken the time to make our representatives our congressmen make it a LAW, that arming these GANGS, SUPPORTING these GANGS is against the law.


Now all during this time of history is yet another history being built we arm and train rebels to fight communism, wherever Communism is.


Now the reason we made these things LAW was so that we did not have to do it again. OUR Law and the Coalition members and even the UN all have Laws all have adapted to the reasoning.


We right now have over one hundred People in Jail, Captured, and held, we are holding them because they are part of the GANG of MAD MEN. Some are the very leaders we have sought. One would think they would know who sells them the Arms, Where they get the Money to buy the Arms, in fact one would think they would KNOW everything, That we will find out what they know, We will USE Water boarding and worse to get that information. YET NO INFORMATION, NO LIST OF NAMES, they are released or traded.


Now I am not a Rocket scientist, but in all the years of Arming and Training Rebels how many countries became democracies, did even Russia the Leader of Communism become a democracy I believe we were told we WON the COLD WAR? 


Did arming all those Southern Neighbors, Stop the money or the arms getting to the GANG of MAD MEN?


Did arming all those rebels in the Middle East bring PEACE?



BACK to all those LAWS, all those Coalition Members who drafted those same LAWS, The UN who Adopted those same LAWS.


If everyone so agreed, to the very majority of NATIONS, THEN JUST Who gave them the MONEY and WHO SOLD THEM THE GUNS?


Now during those thoughts of yours more than likely thinking Ill of me, let point another history going on right now, Why does the EPA need a SWAT TEAM? I was told the EPA deals with environmental issues that corporations, businesses or even individuals do. Why does the U.S. Post office need a SWAT TEAM ? Why does your local POLICE have a SWAT TEAM?


Well the other side of all these histories is the history of your fear, you see there is this Group of ARMED MAD MEN a GANG selling the Drugs that feeds the Cartels, that feeds the Al-Qaida. This group of ARMED MAD MEN are stealing What we make Medicine out of and selling it, needless to say it we even have UN adoption of LAW about it.


In this history we used SPIES and UNDERCOVER AGENTS to identify and jail the members of such gangs, so much that we built so many SPY ANGENCIES they count Sixteen. They got Our permission to go spy even on our Allies, even on our own Congressmen our own Representatives, We are so sure that this solution will work, we even got the internet selling off our rights of communications, so perfect the fear that we do the same to other NATIONS PEOPLE, this is not surprising I would hope, for we got LAWS on that as well.


Now if we know our Services Members did their Job.


We know we made our Representatives, and many other NATIONS JOINED US.


How come the message not going out everywhere is the VALIDATION of the COURTS, GUILTY as CHARGED, the image the sounds of a Verdict, the lasting impression of the JAIL door closing for the last time.




Now if someone asks me weather I think Politics and the Media have been promoting WAR, let separate the two here.


The Media, can and has been blunt when error has been found, Those missing Weapons, those Snowden leaks, the spies in the CIA doing Spy things in the IRS and on the Congressmen’s Computer systems, alas I shall stop there for they look for the story and the story is WAR, DRUG WAR, TERROR WAR, RELIGIOUS WAR, the bad congressmen, the bad business, well that is their job.


So that brings us to those Politicians, we all know they do what you say, you are asking them to do THIS, really it is very easy you write a letter they read it, they call you back, they ask other about it, they make great speeches about it and it gets done.


Another History we all have seen where one them or two them politicians get together and well produce a LAW that protects everyone, even if that LAW does not PAY or that LAW forces you to do something, like give someone else your money, and without the receipt of that money you can not do something. Now if you don’t do it you are fined, you have to pay for the court costs, so you have to have that receipt that states you gave your money to someone else even before you buy or take the item. Now we all agree that what happens when someone doesn’t have that receipt.


But your fear this in all is repeated from Insurance AUTO to HEALTH CARE, to Utility companies, internet provides to Social Media Plat forms.


You see if you take that Senator, that Congressman out to dinner, Promise some thing like more jobs, or that it is better to have someone else hold your money because they can make more money while waiting to pay for what you need. Malpractice to the individual in need, this pay, this insurance repeatedly from the provider to the receiver each pays and shows proof of receipt. 


You see you talk a congressmen into things like making it okay to invest in the property, sell that property at too high a price, paying interest, yet the Insurance company needs that receipt, so they make it law that you pay the receipt, yet when the bank the holder of the property invests too much in the property they can not use any of their money it is invested, so they raised the interest and payments to the bank. When people could no longer afford the Properties, the Banks went broke, so they asked a congressmen and a senator to help bail them out. NO ONE ASKED THE INSURANCE COMPANY TO PAY FOR WHAT THEY INSURED.


So with the quickness everyone can see with just a dinner and maybe a fine wine you can get a congressman to do any LAW you WANT.


All you have to do is explain some fear, make it sound like it is going to fix a wrong, make sure there is a receipt.


So your fear of uninsured drivers, costs the receipt which you have to show proof of, a LAW that has its benefits as all can see. It has not stopped an uninsured motorist, true but is also gave you the ability to repair, replace, and recover, the Mortgage Insurance well it just did not have the funds to cover the debit the Bank Invested in your property.


So has one LAW of the TERROR WAR, or the DRUG WAR given you the abilities to REPAIR, REPLACE, and RECOVER?


No and here is why comes a simple history of that going to dinner and getting a LAW or two, In these years of the Iraq 1.0 and for a few before that during the COLD WAR, General Dynamics, Motorola, Boeing, Northrop, would only see their stock value drop in times of PEACE. So when everyone’s favorite Actor jumped up and said tear this wall down and PEOPLE replied. There were a few phone calls made I am sure, one from the CEO’S of those companies to their wives, stating they just seen the largest drop in their income. The next I am sure was to the Plants management, get ready for lay offs, and one to a CONGRESSMEN or TWO you know the ones that with the price of a dinner you can get a LAW.


REAGAN Also increased the WAR on DRUGS, and made the WAR on TERROR, all while American and the world WATCHED on TV how a CIA operative was CHARGED and FOUND GULITY OF ARMING AND SELLING WEAPONS AND DRUGS.




So now Politicians are Politicians and they need a LEADER, From this set of mini histories comes both Republican and Democrat, now remember they do what you say. This bring us an interesting history, you see the untouchable is your fear, the untouchable is “Defense”.


Bush 1.0 while watching Reagan get questioned about the ARMS FOR DRUGS, was in the background he was never questioned. He was an administrator of the FBI, He spent is entire life in taking people to court, he was in charge of one of the Largest and Strongest Police forces in America.


While he was the Leader we rebuilt the CIA, NSA and FBI. He found that your FEAR of Terror was so great that you would allow for this expense.


Bush 2.0 While seeing the success of the years of the Terror War, Arming and Training Rebels the worst happened the rebel we trained hit us. Vetted and paid.


Our response was in Afghanistan we hunted the GANG DOWN. While we did this we were told the dance of Weaponry, so by LAW signed by both parties we occupied Iraq.

Our Leader then and Now has held Prisoners who not just in Afghanistan, or Pakistan, but also from Iraq are accused of Leading, Training, Supporting Arming a GANG of CRIMINALS A GANG OF MAD MEN.


However because we Water boarded the information out of them, the information we never got, they will not stand trail, you see even in the International or Local country Court these GANG MEMBERS will not face a Judge, nor will their supporters hear the VERDICT of GUILTY AS CHARGED. Nor We, nor the community which they HARMED, will hear the evidence the clear proof of Murder organized to TAKE HUMAN life from a community.


You see we by ORDER of our LEADER are guilty of TORTURE, and because all it takes is a DINNER you can get a LAW PASSED, so that LEADER and this LEADER is FREE to AVOID COURT. YOUR FEAR HAS MADE THIS SO. BY LAW.


Now lets talk about a few other histories here, let us talk about the receipts that you and I require every time the Government spends a dime.


In the Drug War the receipts are a bit misrepresented here, you see your fear of the GANG selling Drugs, is not the reality of the highest percentage of addicts. You see the people who are the highest percentage of addicts are functional addicts, they are right next to you in the office, store or even the doctors office. You see the highest income of the DRUG WAR, IS THE ADDICT WHO IS AT WORK WITH YOU.


But the receipts given us of incarcerations are very discriminating, You see one in Three is Blacks, one in Seven is Latino, one in seventeen Poor White, and one in Fifty Seven are Women and one in One Thousand rich white. Yet we know that Woman, Rich White, White, Latino, and Blacks all have the same rate of addictions.


So lets look at that receipt for it is says, it says that the reason of our Militarized Police, so Black, Latino’s and Poor are the target of no knock to racial profiling are targeted to enforce Your fear of a GANG of CRIMINALS.


So let us see what other proof of such a statement repeated which would validate your concern your voice, We all know how the Budget is always talked about and every time there is this huge argument over what should and what should not get funded.


Your FEAR this year a lone cost us an additional 6.9 trillion plus, before the elections, these LAW MAKERS, these Republican these Democrats took that and added to our national debit making it a total of 12.3 trillion dollars. Before you had the ELECTION. In that Budget is a few facts, these support your FEAR or so they say, They say your fear is one thousand times more important than your Childs education,, a thousand times more important, in fact the thousand times less important is what they say every other function of government is, Now we know Food Stamps and Welfare Mothers are a crime, we know this as well as mental heath is a crime, that poor neighborhoods become breeding grounds of DRUGS and they make a GANG OF MAD MEN. We know this because not only is it in the incarcerations, but also this year Budget.


You see all that comes down to your FEAR, of addicts and terrorist, the Terror War is even worse than the Drug War, you see we can not bring them to trail. We spent so much, done so much we can not bring them to our own courts, nor the courts of the Coalition, nor the Courts of the UN.


You see the receipt on the WAR on TERROR, you in your FEAR said let them go, because in your FEAR is a FEAR THAT WHAT WE DID WAS WRONG.


AND you think your Fear justifies all of this.


How many people do you think is going to read that, would it not be easier to say lets do something different? Let us tell each other about the wrongs and then stand up and do something about it, They say they DO what YOU tell them to DO.












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