Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wow we get to negotiate….really

Wow we get to negotiate….really…remember you came into my house to listen. You and the NSA wanted to know what happens in my house, therefore while in my house you will abide by my rules.


I have two wonderful boys they are fun and full life, they strong and proud they are my boys I could say a lot about them its easy, harder is it to say what I learned from them.


The boys fight over games and my TV, really we know that from the beginning of the argument, it’s a fight over time- each wants his turn- but they are boys proud and strong. Easy it is to describe the challenge and responses to each side of the argument, but the reality of it is, it’s still a time thing and again my TV. Now boys plead their cases well, with calculated step of gain, hoping to win based on their right so stated. My first question has almost always has been, “okay who did what, why are you arguing?” This always leads to a list that each claim the other has done it sounds so horrible I have to stop it and state a clear fact: my TV, my house. Yuck they don’t like that. But peace wins. After they have repaired the damages to each other and my tables and chairs then can they return to play, and not until those are done.


What it is to have a wonderful return my house, my rules and my TV.


How hurtful would it be, as I have done in the past, to make the mistake of listening to that list of wrongs and take a side, for each boy there has always been need of repair, to each has the required amend been made.


Now my TV returned, I pause and listen to your remarks so proud and pure, Mr. President did I listened to your speech…This is what I want to negotiate, this is the fight for my TV. The city of Jerusalem is my remote to my TV, the State of Israel would be one son, the Palestinians and the Arab nations their bothers.




My remote, if you please.


An Alliance by military might. This is the war you have chosen us to fight; this is the reason of the terrorist of fright. That Alliance is what they are pissed off about. Israel violates its treaties at every turn as it might as if the laws do not even exist to them, and you want my boy in that fight. You want my city my nation in that fight? What gives you the right to do that?

Will you accept a direct challenge of open debate, sir? We can cross words at any public venue, or forum of your choice- my preference would be a pub. Or are you willing to negotiate what I want to negotiate? Not one gun of ours sold outside our borders- not one on either side of that argument. That is a war of god, not country, and not for my son. No weapon, no excuse, no pardon, not one child will I allow to die by the use of a weapon of war. Do you want to talk about and negotiate responsibilities? Let’s start there.

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