LOL I did I forgot someone, alas to me I really did! I
forgot to invite someone to our little foray of discussions…
Every winter at least once I seem to get that stomach flu,
the one were you can sit up but not even chicken soup seems to dent the constant
spin, then just when you think you can stand your sinuses make known the bucket
of moisture hidden somewhere between my ears. Yesterday was such a day, not
that I would complain, I got to watch the game. I told you so all Seattle… That’s what
happens when you never won that ring, you want it so bad you win….
The highlights of the game, well defense took on a new
meaning as the offense went without the ball…The Fox Network and the GOP
message of patriotism was just as offensive as the Lance Corporals and the Presidents
address. But hey, I didn’t get to see the lizard tell me about how I can save a
dollar while giving it to someone else.
Back to the people I must have forgot…….First a statement of
clarity, to any long lost cousins, uncles and such I know, from a business
subject this sucks but family point of view, you know its right.
When did we make our mafia? When did we give them our
streets? When we gave them our social woes of Alcohol, and once they got
started well they are a social issue of supply and demand. Cartels well same
thing different chain of supply different delivery system but still a social
network addressing a social issue.
Addiction is clearly defined as a behavior of getting and
seeking a ways and means to get more, even unto death, institutions, jails,
etc. Well, that is where they go that is the end of the road if they are lucky.
This is a social behavior easily seen and well documented.
Every country, every city and now even some of our own
states that address it as such, socially have seen crime drop. No not the petty
crime of the addicts the stealing and such, they are addicts and that is what
they do. The bigger crimes, the armed crimes are the ones that drop. Why,
BECAUSE it doesn’t take a tank or a gun to address a social wrong.
Hobgoblins and Hoodlums, what would happen if they ever
joined up, well you have this car driving around selling drugs armed to the
teeth, which no one likes, but no one wants to stop the supply, delivery, or
If the NSA is grabbing information in our homes, this data
as they call it (hmmm I call it an invasion, but okay we won’t argue today) we
tax alcohol at either a state store or a local store, right? So if we took the
drugs off the street and put them into our already established delivery system,
the NSA could send a social recovery email to individuals whom seem to be
buying a bit too much. That car well it would still have a few Hoodlums and a
Hobgoblin in it, but they would not be selling drugs. I mean common we have all
this information, this data. Let’s do it right, let’s take the profit away. It
might actually be a bit cheaper than just one life, you think?
Ah- a breath of pause did I offer.
To the last of my invite to those who we shall honor, those
who will not allow our shame; to a one, the honor you have done by fighting
these fights is earned. Lest we forget the cry of the mother whose wail we
hear, whose father sheds a tear of that one life, the comrade your friend whom
we can not hear.
A day of proof and response:
Remember this is about what is right…..
The GOP hallmark child of fame and the oops of that day,
This I love, Ronald Regan great was he, cowboy in his heart as anyone can see,
Stands and tells Russia to throw this wall down! The people did the government
didn’t, the people did, we won! Did we jump over there and dismantle the
military? Grab a few them and come take ours apart, have a huge party and claim
a day of peace? Guys and Girls running around hugging each other. Hmmm.
I’ll take my writer right now, the one that says I get to
say it.
Could you imagine, ( no pun this time ) the phone
conversation between the chairman of the board at General Dynamics, Lockheed
Martin, and Motorola with their wife, “Well honey we just lost our income I’ll
figure something out.”
The response, the birth of the War on drugs… A war of
corruptions on which we spend billions in military might. Ooops that isn’t
enough here… not today is it.
Okay now time for that donkey to step in and the next really
big oops….
The horror of O-bin Laden and a single gun fight…….
Didn’t this leader say he would hold them accountable each
to a one, did he do it with a single gun fight, weapons carried by hand, flown
there in a cool chopper this the pride of America for a single gun fight?
Ooops what he said in his last address, there are more of
these Hobgoblins, yet he didn’t list one not a one… Has he, Guantanamo
bay, and how many others of these jails. How many sent off of our land as prisoners
that they have convicted without trail, an American right to see the evidence,
a prisoners right if it a war crime under the Geneva Court. What are they doing
training them?
Where is that deck of cards now, who is it that is America’s
most wanted, who is it that wants to die in that single gun fight…..
Dear Mr. President, you said you are going to hold them
accountable, and in fact you did, in word and deed. You sir said you thought my
cell phone information may help and you said, too, that you were going to do
what is right. You sir, you said you could enter my home, listen and make
judgment upon what you have herd, with your pen sir did you call it.
It did not take missiles or bombs but a single gun fight. You
the last of my invite, if you are going to do what is right, produce that list.
I’d like to know the Hobgoblin with whom we should invite to that single gun
Now that our warriors come home, let’s talk about them
Tanks, lets talk about those really big nasty bombs, the garage sell surplus we
just made. Grind that stuff up, reclaim our resources or as much as you can,
tell our warriors they won’t stand in front of one of them, not one, you right
now account for every round, you sir. You lay on a table the images of every round;
you grind that up to every pound. You call our Allies and tell them to do the
same. You tell the companies that build it to build something else; you tell
them that they can not sell one item, not one. You do that, and then you have
honored that Lance Corporal.
Then you lay down every alliance you are responsible for and
you sir you do the same. You take Military corporations and this invasion law
and you show everyone the alliance with the companies lining your campaign
pocket which we all know is there. You show them how they donate to your
campaign. You show them these social watch dog corporations that donate; each
and every one.
You produce that list of who we are looking for, and you
show everyone who YOU are working for!
Not one child, not one will I allow you to kill. Not one
should die by the weapons of war. You, sir, should know that. You sir, asked to
come into my house, you sir will answer to these things. You sir do not allow
that garage sale of those rounds that scarred that Lance Corporal you make sure
that doesn’t happen again.