Friday, February 14, 2014

What is wrong everywhere?

The question I was asked today was about why we need to have so much Security, the statement was clear, we need to protect ourselves.....

  1. If you don’t agree with the above hypothesis, explain why?
    2. What might then be the root causes of this entire situation?
    3. What is your proposed solution to solve that problem?

The issue is blind to reality, I do not agree with hypothesis, and the why is simple, the current issues are a reflection of the issue that every Governing body avoids today, they avoid it, will not discuss it, they openly condemn anyone who poses a threat to this one issue.


The issues are not health care, big government, or taxes, yet each of these are used as a diversion.


The reality test, Military spending crossed the planet. Here in the US that spending is at the highest level ever, taken straight from the headlines today was the Russian President Putin backing an Egyptian Army General for president, yet only a few hundred miles away, Syrian Peace talks falter  As West and Russian feud. The reason of why is clearly seen, enabling the use and production of more weapons of war.


The Human reality test, In every major city we see every theology, every class from the rich to the invalids live within the rules and laws of those cities.


The reactions to our continued build up are also clearly seen again today in the news, In Germany, Specter of US spying looms large, this assault continues out of fear after the Edward Snowden released what he considers a assault on humanity.


If the Health care was really the reason of discord then take the billions spent on just tanks and provide the care.


If the issue was big Government then reduce the militaries contractors and contracts use the money to develop education.


If the issue was taxes, then reduce them taxes buy reducing the spending, what do you think is the biggest expense is? Military Security, at 35 billion yearly to Lockheed Martin a lone I am sure there are so many ways in which we can use those Billions.


The Myth is that Humans are violent, yet when looking to history we find that is just not the case, every government was born out of the community, the natural instinct of humans to congregate in cities and towns. Though out history wars are fought over food, God, and the wanting to take from another the abilities to produce Food or believe in God.


Solutions; Stop the profits of war, no more wholesale garage sale items of war sold to another country, or group. Return America and the rest of the world to a stance of care, it should be illegal to sell a tank, just like it is to sell a nuke. If this is done this will reduce our security stance to Hoodlums, Gangs of thugs, not counties with tanks. The cheaper solution.

I’ll take any questions on this, a simple truth that is avoided.

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