Thursday, July 31, 2014

When Something Big Happens Avoid it, NOT this TIME


Roll the clocks back a few years When something Big happens and you can see what happens when laws are violated, the thing is they never seem to reach higher than the Military Command; it never enters into the Joint Chief of Staff, never the National Security Council, never the White House.







The last a clear violation of our laws Guilt……..






I was under the impression that in military you follow orders, orders which come from the command down. Orders which are to come from the President with the backing of the Representative elected side, Orders which are to follow our Constitution.


Torture is a clear violation of the US Constitution, as is being held without charge, without representation and the ability to face your accuser in a court of law.


Torture is clear Violation of UN humanitarian Law.


Our Government needs to be rained in, if the agency’s that provide us with information on who, what and why we are endangered is filled with corruptions, cover ups, over violations of such horrendous acts as the application of Torture, and has the ability to keep that information from the Public.


At the core of this is the Patriot act giving special funds and governing rules to the Intelligence Agencies, Under that pretense no member of the Armed/ Government Services can be held accountable for following Orders given.


The US Congress, House of Representatives as well as the last two administrations HAVE VIOLATED LAWS, they have avoided accountability to our Bill of Rights, they have avoided accountabilities to their Violations of Human rights, by the Charter of the Geneva Conventions on the treatment of prisoners of War.


These Rights were drafted in protection humanities ability to stop the actions of tyranny and horrors.


I am sorry Colin Powell, Sir you saying you were not aware of the order you signed is not accepted. This like the weapons of Mass destruction that were never found lies clearly on the Desk of the President of the US and the members of Congress and House. From the very beginning there is doubt in the actions of the Bush Administration, and the Obama Administrations, the National Security Council to each administration at best is corrupt at worst should be jailed.


REPLEAL the PARIOT ACT, and every act enacted to enhance the Intelligence Agencies abilities to violate our RIGHTS. Put these people on Trail, in court that evidence can be presented, that supporting and funding can be stopped, SKIP Transparency, Prove the conspiracy in court, prove the line of funding, and prove the political backing. Prove these actions and hold these political parties accountable.


By our own law are we required to this.







Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Bribery Charges not Treason WHAT?

Fox business Report;


Smith & Wesson agreed to pay 2 million in fines, to settle Bribery Charges…..



In 2008, the Springfield, Mass.-based company retained a third-party representative in Pakistan to help Smith & Wesson win a contract to sell firearms to a police department there, the SEC said.

The representative subsequently provided guns to police officials as gifts, in addition to cash payments. Smith & Wesson won the contract to sell 548 pistols, earning a profit of $107,852.


How come it is that these are mostly listed as defense contractors? Weapons Manufacturers, and Special Defense Contractors?


AS corporations of our Military contractors, these guys seem to stand above the Law, Why? Not only that but they seem to stand for the GOP hardliners commitment to continue the Drug War and the Terror War, with no regard to our laws, even when they are caught it is only a slap on the hand.


According to the Patriot Act, the definition of a terrorist supplier, “There is also an expectation that they must undertake enhanced scrutiny of the account if it is owned by, or is being maintained on behalf of, any senior political figure where there is reasonable suspicion of corruption.[64]


TREASON by our own contractors and manufacturers. A violation of the law which they Swore to up hold, clear corruptions by these companies of both laws!


Why are they not setting in JAIL, Lobbyist, PROOF Given


When the corruption includes an one time Vice President and the companies that he managed, the invasion he recommended and has supported, he constant support of the use of Military weaponry and Special Contractors to which he still receives payment for the law manipulations and the avoidance of other Judicial accounting. ( Dick Cheney )


More importantly why are not all of these CEO, setting in JAIL on Treason Charges?


When did War become a national Product?




Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Can we condem something no one has seen?


Well now that we are sure America will stand by its military alliance with Israel, lets make sure, that no one questions What Israel is doing and WHY.


From 1979 through 1985 I was in the Middle East, what I found there seemed so different than what I read about in the media, what people told me about the horrors of the Middle East Conflicts, AT the Time the POL was the engaged enemy of Israel.


I herd of this ‘Using Humans as Shields”, to protect the POL military from getting hit by Israeli missiles bombs and Tanks.


Thing is when I asked local Palestinians about this the reaction was as if I was nuts, one such person stated “ What Father or Mother would do such a thing to a child? Which I thought was a pretty good answer back then.


Today as Congress gets already to again back Israeli advances and violations of UN resolutions, this issue comes up again, this time I think I want proof before I allow a congressional “Denouncing the use of civilians as human shields by Hamas and other terrorist organizations in violation of international humanitarian law.” I might want just a little more proof than the words of Israel and our Congressional delegation that this is actually happening.


First let me address a reality, GAZA is a three mile wide peace of land backed by the Mediterranean Sea, boarders Egypt to the south and Israel to the east. It is at best 25 miles long roughly the same sizes as a US City like Anchorage Alaska in land mass, however in population of 3 million.


Today we are technology savvy, so that means with all the cell phones, tablets, camera’s even from Tourists it should be pretty easy for an image of one such event as the use of humans as a shield against attack, better yet with all the Secrete Agencies providing proof of this or that when it comes to Terrorist, how about PROOF of this action by HAMAS, Or any Palestinian. In fact please show documented proof of any Terrorist organization doing such a thing.


No proof means something is not be addressed, no cell images, no camera images never a news report showing proof of these things happening.


So WHY is our CONGRESS set to Condemn an action with no proof.





That Congress—


strongly condemns the use of innocent civilians as human shields, including use by Hamas of this brutal and illegal tactic;


calls on the international community to recognize the grave breaches of international law by Hamas by using human shields;


places responsibility for launching the rocket attacks on Hamas and other terrorist organizations, such as Islamic Jihad, in Gaza;


supports the sovereign right of the Government of Israel to defend its territory and stop the rocket attacks on its citizens;


expresses condolences to the families of the innocent victims on both sides of the conflict;


supports Palestinian civilians who reject Hamas and all forms of terrorism, desiring to live in peace with their Israeli neighbors; and


calls on Mahmoud Abbas to condemn the use of innocent civilians as human shields by Hamas and other terrorist organizations.


Monday, July 28, 2014

Oops we lost some more Weapons, again

Okay first we sell our inventory to local police to use in executions of Warrants, then someone points out, that we loose more weapons…..




Incompetence, cruel inhumane Incompetence.


Just remember that the DOD budget is untouchable, no one wants to talk about it, no one wants to reduce it, no one wants to hold anyone accountable to it.


The largest reason of our debit is these weapons and here again are those weapons lost, from our Southern Boarder, all the way back to Iran-Contra, The use of what the DOD calls expendable. Weaponry!  


So when someone asks you why we do not have the best schools, the best infrastructure, the best of everything, you can now reply with a really good reason, Military Weapons are left and sold, given and traded, used as training, and the most unaccounted for item on all of the US budgets. When someone asks you about how we are actually doing on this War on Terror, tell them fine, we give them all the weapons needed, or we just leave them behind for someone like the Isis to coma along and take them.


When someone asks you about our treaties you can explain why every single one of them since Reagan includes weaponry. When someone asks you about the Violence of the Middle East you can explain, why 3.9 Billion in weaponry is given to Israel, while we sell each Nation in the Area weaponry to protect from the use of Israeli weaponry which we sold to them, or Gift them on our expense.


Incompetence or Treason either way a clear violation of our own Morals to back one side of a religious War, while asking for payment on new weapons from the other side.


What General was in charge of these Weapons, What Senator was in charge of Oversight, Why wont we stop selling, giving our Weapons away, only to end up seeing them used against us.


WAKE UP, the only reason is the PROFIT of these expendable items called Weapons.





Saturday, July 26, 2014

When I thought I was right

There was a time when I thought I had it right, that I had found the reason of me.


A lot has happened since the age of ten.


I still think the reason for me is to play, I still play with colors, play with sounds, all through my day do I see how I play. I have friends we talk and laugh we like to be happy, I get to look for emotion in others a smile, a emotion of joy. I found how powerful Art and Music is for me in my life.


What I found for me, is a difference between priorities, a difference between others and me, something that has been there all my life. Something I had to embrace it was is me.


Life for me is like a tapestry the color of my thread maybe used this day as backing to support the colors of another, to allow them to step forth and well be them, like taking turns at a game. Maybe it is age that helps support this I am no longer ten.


I love to play, I find the reminders of many good times, with so many different people when I think about play, from card games to darts, to weird drinking games how I do like to play, maybe it is that the rules all come down to being fair and how quickly even the most heated rule change/violations are resolved, well at least most with a smile and a willingness to continue, and if not Skip it its just a game.


Maybe in life I just remember how quickly we seemed to reach agreement, may it is how fast we, I can see a reason for the play.


At the age of ten it seemed that play was so much more important that fighting. I really didn’t learn much about fighting at age ten, it seemed fighting was just not okay, I didn’t really get good at fighting until the Government put a rifle in my hand, but then I was a lot older than ten. I really didn’t see much wrong in the world at age ten, lol I really didn’t see much right in the world either unless it was about play.


I do not think I am different than a lot of others either.


So when did it become okay to fight, I mean really if life is about play, when and who said it was okay to fight. Who said it was okay to make war?


Life as a child seems focused on play, how well you get along with others, how well you enjoy yourself in play.


Life as an adult seems to be focused on what you own, how you get it, and how well you fight, at least that is what our Government thinks. I don’t think any of those are in the definition of Prosperity.


So What is your view of prosperity, does it include fighting and tanks?


No Child Should Die by a Weapon of War.



Friday, July 25, 2014


On 07/25/14 5:38 AM, Chris Burns wrote:


Hello Chas,


My name is Chris Burns I am messaging you because I feel as though your a special person. I have not fully read your post but your titles and topics a lone have caught my attention. I am interested to hear from you and learn more about what you think about our world today and what your mission is. I look forward to talking,



Namaste and God Bless,




Sent from LinkedIn for iPhone



Chris, It is wonderful to meet you, your introduction was wonderful, I have but one mission to which I offer, a solution to our woe's universally, which is No more War. That no Child Should Die by a Weapon of War.


The solutions I wish for may never happen in my life however, I think it to be the destiny of humanity to life with each other in Peace, The only way I know of to Disarm our Military is to disarm the fear and incompetence which is used to achieve the goal of more weapons more war, by simply showing and expressing what I can find as clear proof of this profiteering off the demise of human life.


Our largest step in humanity is yet to be Achieved  yet we live on the very edge of the reasons and means to provide that very achievement.


I wish to only provide a place where my Children as well as yours are safe from the horror of Wars, A Horror to which not the Parent, but the Government Wages.


In Fact that is the plead to which I write, for no other purpose is War than the destruction of Human life, the destruction of families, communities on a wholesale level to no purpose but to hold the ground in which a child plays.


I would not wish this upon my child, I can not wish it on another for the prize of security is the warmth of that very family, a National Treasure, a Treasure clearly seen by all of Humanity, the next generation of leaders who will reach for the discoveries beyond what we this day have achieved.





Paul Ryan, the Radical Plan WHAT?

Dear Paul Ryan,


Dear Sir, while I find your courage out standing, however I will wonder at the prose you are suffering from, to bring a calculator to a gun fight.



A Radical Plan to Reduce Poverty…


While I sure you may have thought this to be a wonderful idea in concept, the value of the choice remains unstated.


What a wonderful presentation of new idea’s to function as a government, and wonderful savings in offer, however the choice to offer a solution to the known issues of the funds running out for Social Security, Medicaid, Transportation, Welfare, any Health Insurance assistance,  oh and Immigrations.


You and the Republican party, Tea Party & Hardliners, Against those Wonderful Bunny Huggin Democrats, Have guaranteed Payment to the now Sixteenth Secrete Agency, and have approved Complete Funding of the continuance of no less than two Wars still in progress today. One with a proven track history of failure only compounded by the duplications of services to which is employed, the War on Drugs, this is only out done by the newly funded War on Terror, which employs the same duplications of the same services, that seem to have a track history of repeatedly being reorganized depending upon which one of the Two of these parties are in control.


Excuse me here, Six Billion Rounds of Practice Ammunitions for the New Department of Homeland Security. Complete Funding for the Intelligence Bill, Now Law Thank Mr. President for standing up for our rights.


Dude put your calculator away unless you have stock in Smith and Wesson. You just armed, outfitted, office, staffed a complete new more powerful Agency than the CIA, while funding the CIA and the Fifteen other Agencies that can put under arrest anyone suffering from bad health or the seemly uncommon issue of living long. Worry not about those poor souls your efforts will assist in the perfection of these executions as you have this New Department Practice by shooting anyone homeless.




Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Aermica Believes in Fear

Fact or Fiction America Believes in Fear.


It is a wonder to set and write again about topic that just seems never to go away for me, I just do not understand it.


Our history shows how many times we as humanity has come together to do the right thing, like earth quakes, we just seem to come together to assist each other, as our advancements in Science and Industry has grown so to has the ability to come together, at each turn we seem to use what is new, what is available to reach out and assist each other. Doesn’t much matter where the Earth Quake happens, people come together to help.


I think this is the biggest part of being, trying to help each other, joining together, helping each other to betterment, at least this is what our history shows. I mean look we all send our kids to school for betterment, we all look to find the best teachers, the best schools, the best opportunities for our kids, at least this is what we try to do.


This kind of smacks morals, values that we each seem to believe in.


Yet if we looked at facts and not the fiction of our government spending, we see how much we really value that betterment. Our schools, the very core of our hope of betterment for our kids plays the part of a pawn or hostage to the expense of Fear.


I mean I am all for being safe, but at what line does being safe become something else.


I once helped an addict, in the many talks we had with each other the most repeated seemed to be about fear, fear of life without the drug of course was there, as well as fear of not fitting in, fear that somehow as a person an addict is less than others, to which my reply was a constant just keep trying, you forget how successful you were in getting the drug, now be successful just like that in life, like a job, a relationship, in being.


See I believe that if one can walk through ones fear one can make a change, a change of betterment. I think we all kind of encourage that with each other, at the office at work, within our friendships within our families.


Fiction over facts, America spends more than 6.9 trillion in Military and Intelligence, at least this is what is on track to do this year. Facts immigration, education, Versus New Super Aircraft Carriers, Satellites, and a Complete New Department of Intelligence Homeland Security, let me run this out for you so you can understand my confusion.


H.R. 4870: Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2015

H.R. 4681: Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Years 2014 and 2015

These bills and resolutions with the attached amendments represent 6.8 trillion dollars.

All of these bills, each but one was introduced in the month and passed within that same month,  Department of Defense a 314 page document, Introduced June 13th passed the House just seven days later on June 20th. ( there was a weekend in there.)


The Intelligence Authorization bill, Introduced in May 20th, released to the floor for discussion and voted on, on May 30th. 73 pages of expense of Intelligence, everything from no less than 16 different spy agencies all funded. Within ten days, ( Again there was a weekend in there.)


What was that request for Immigration needs, what kills me is what is the first thing a Governor wants to do “Call in the Military”.


I bet if there was a Nine year old Terrorist in line, it might, but it is a nine year old running form war.


So when today you hear the news that Congress just can not come together on issues, remember these two bills, FEAR gets PAID first.


So how much is really left for Schools, or Education this they say they can not get things done, but the fear list. Well to break the fiction, the amount of Education and Schools is less than one in one hundred thousands to one, oh and that immigration amount well that isn’t even one of the proposed Super New Aircraft Carriers, in fact it is even less than the Air planes that will set on that carrier.


The only thing stopping America from doing good, doing the right thing is FEAR.


6.9 Trillion to chase Hobgoblins and Hoodlums, Anyone seen a Politician maybe we should just jail them or at least change their name to Hoodlum dealing in the intoxicating affects of Lies and Spies!






Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Operation Streamline and GOP Profit centers

I went to write today, I was going to just write a little simple post about How come its not ok for a Woman to be considered Beautiful, while doing a bit of research on this I stumbled upon something that should be in the news each and every day until the Boarder Crisis is over.


The heart of this issue, is what is happening to the prison systems not just the immigrants, For profit prison or detention centers seems to be making a killing on this Crisis, in fact they pouring money in the campaigns for supports of their windfall of government money.



Now what is this in clear text and colors on a graph, why it is the Prosecutions of federal courts, We thought the War on drugs had just too many links to private corporations whom seem to be making a killing on this war, with the lobbyist all lined up, you sure do not hear a single republican Stating Yeap we did this with Operation Streamline. The fact is they did, their friends in the Private Prison systems seem to help fund many of the political races in each of these states.


What is worse is the blame game. Blaming each others political party, while so doing nothing.




Do you think I will ever find a day when I can write that story about Women, It’s hard too when you keep finding reasons to confront the leadership of this nation.


Can anyone help me to get my business mandated by law, like all of these corporations get?



Monday, July 21, 2014

Spies & Lies and No One to Blame

I remember the ‘80s the fun of all that political talk about changes from disastrous pre Regan Politics, The Carter Administrations Failure in Iran and the Hostages, which followed the damage control of Political miss actions of Nixon and all that Watergate Secrete Spies and a Bunch of Lies.


Well the Wonderful President Ronald Regan, The stance that we would do what ever it takes to return our Embassy Employees who were being held by a an “Extremist Government, Iran”.


In one fail swoop of the pen wiped out all ways we used to collect Intelligence, LOL in one swoop of the pen, he re-empowered the Intelligence Agencies, after the heat of what those intelligence agencies had done during the Nixon Years.


The reason given to the American People was the obvious failure to collect and notify the executive administration of Intelligence that could have stopped the taking of the Embassy in the first place. The cause was the agencies were not communicating with each other over the importance of terrorist organizations and states.


Executive Order 12333 Friday December 4th 1981 Ronald Regan.


Well now after what seems another miss communication among our leaders, this topic comes back at us again in the wake of the 9-11 attacks, this time, not only the re-empowerment of the Agencies, but because they can not seem to talk with each other to stop Terrorist and Terrorist states from Harming America, A whole new department of Intelligence gathering and oversight was created.


Executive Order 13228 Monday, October 8th, 2001 George W. Bush…


With the “Establishing the Office of Homeland Security and the Homeland Security Council.”


Couple of interesting points, Is it a Republican stance to minimize government, increase the military and intelligence agencies or is the Republican stance to avoid accountably in Intelligence Agencies? Is the Democrats Yelling and Screaming, stop the intrusions?


A complete duplication of Services.


Now again we hear tails of Lack of Intelligence Elements on the issue of ISIS/ISIL, Then the German Chancellor requests a commitment, throws out one Intelligence Officer, then states clear shock over the reply. 


Yet we can point fingers at Russia on a Missile within hours of the incident.


How come we need so many agencies to collect intelligence, yet it seems that for what ever reason something’s are done right and something’s are not done or well the excuses have been many.


By the way, in record time the Budgets for these agencies get approved this year.


Yet within these acts and a few laws that have followed, here comes the Southern Boarder issue again, and the wave of Immigrants, and more importantly the wave of Children Refugee’s from the War on Drugs. Which is covered very well in each of these executive orders and the laws, the Cartel’s and the Violence of South America the Drug organizations.


No report on the refuges fleeing from the Violence, and the impact it would have on the Southern Boarder. No special forces deployment to arrest convict or stop these Cartels, No chasing them into the hills like the Taliban. Yet we know they commit horrific crimes. No grab everyone in NATO and deploy No Drone strikes, no Special Bombing, no Cruse Missiles. Nothing but Weaponry given to the governments which in turn gives them to the Cartels either willingly or by Force.


By the Way who sells the Cartels Guns? Seems an Intelligence agency should be able to provide that answer. How those Cartels corrupt the local economy and officials, an Intelligence agency should be able to supply that information.


Yet for Dang Sure those Intelligence agencies want in to my email and cell phone, Facebook images, Read through my LinkedIn Posts, and my bog.


Seems we laid the ground work for another Spies and Lies, with no one going to jail for messing things up.


A spy is a Weapon of War.


FEED UP! Spies and lies above, immigration, transportation, energy, schooling, above every other function.


This, this is how I feel, Go Home! Go back to the community, the city, the neighborhood you came from and there publically offer your resignation, tell with all honesty that you have chosen to do nothing, that at best to offer to questions these things to those who assisted you in purchasing your position of power to which you hold special favor. So the constitutes know who to watch for so that this never happens again. Assist your community to find a better representative of their state and this nation.


Until then our conscience will not be clear and our commitment to peace never honored.


Should these representatives chose not to do this the most honorable of things, then as it is my responsibility so to is it yours, you go and discover who benefits from this corruptions and collusions, who benefits from Spies and Lies, bombs and Tanks.




Then once you have that information you decide what you are truly in fear of, then by vote, legal actions return a representative who will stand above others in character and honor your own responsibilities to this nation.


Again I say to you as a Father, No Child should fear war, no child should fear the use of the weapons of war, No child Should Die by a Weapon of War. I lay question to their use, I lay questions to the abuse of such things, I question Why more Spies and Lies and not results.




Saturday, July 19, 2014

Marijuana Myth

How come it is easier for you to link Alcohol to specific crimes like Date Rape, than it is to link Marijuana to ANY Rape?

Myths and this drug seem to outnumber the realities.


If this drug is so much more dangerous than heroin, how come the crime statics do not show those direct facts, in fact Alcohol is twice as much more likely to be used in Violent crime such as any Rape, Robbery, or Murder than any other drug listed or admitted to by those who have been convicted.


Yet the prison times and rates of the user of Marijuana, if convicted will do more time than a person convicted of Assault. Another interesting thought is age of person who commits the crime of possessions, either the whole group of Marijuana Smokers stops smoking or possessing it after age 50, which is completely different than any other addictive drug, or they do not get prosecuted, or if they do It is with other more serious drugs, but wait Heroin is suppose to be less serious.


Marijuana and the Medical uses……Man I could just ask a friend to take their whole thread and dump the over 2000 replies of new research, comments, dreams and how people with many diseases may actually now have a hope, and most of the hope has nothing to do with the High, but on what this plant has in it that is useable for medical prescriptions, more over may offer a cure for many people in Caner a lone.


What is right is right, everything I find out about what I was told about Marijuana is not what the US. Government wants to hear.

Is it just me or is Something messed up?

Okay something is messed up, some thing is wrong.



No matter how smart you make that bomb falling from the sky, you still do not KNOW who is in the next room…….1 In 5 Of Gaza Dead Are Children…


Technology has yet to protect the innocents from the core of all design issues of a Bomb, Missile or Drone, Yes they protect the Warrior on the ground from getting wounded because those Warriors are no where near the designed explosion. But that designed Bomb, Missile or Drone can not see in the next room, or if the design be so great in the next building.


Our Government will stand beside such destructions, knowing that the very issue is based at least in part upon a religious war, to which both parties have continued for centuries. Knowing that an Alliance to either side will show reason for the other to continue to hostilities against our nation, hostilities of Terror and the state sponsored Terrorist. Yet our Government will not ask either side to disarm.


Speaking of Disarming, When Soviet Russia failed as a Nation, How come complete disarmament including Nuclear, Manufacturers to Surplus How Come Complete disarmament was not done?  Bad Policy? Poor Accountabilities, Incompetence, Let me get this straight, we left the weapons there available for use or sale.


That seems to be a policy, forget to disarm, dismantle the capabilities of our enemies,  I mean it only took ISIS/ISIL what three months to be ready to attack half of the country we just Liberated. We what back to Iraq once already, what did we forget to do this time?


Well at least we have our reputation to protect, you know how the world really sees us.



President Barack Obama “Dismissed the idea of “No-Spy” agreement.


If America is going to “Spy” on our own citizens personal data, be dang straight we will “Spy” on every cell phone, every message system, forum, thread, email, photos, and all social media interactions of the people of Germany or any other country political or not, personal or not. For by our own Law we are mandated to do so. Sorry if this makes you feel a bit intruded upon……..The Patriot Act.


Well Okay some thing is Messed Up, Either I sound Paranoid that our Government seems hell bent on War and the tools of War like Spying, alas it would seem many Germans have now joined with me in my over all concern.


It seems messed up what do we do? Vote them out, setting or running or not Vote them OUT! Send them home put our elective branch of government on Hold, until new representatives can be found. A special Election, the re-presentation of our communities, this is the principle of our Constitution, it is our responsibilities.




Friday, July 18, 2014

A Product of Horror

Would one of the best ideas of a product be, that upon the moment of use, the need for a new replacement is apparent, and there is only one place to get a replacement.


The concept of a bomb goes beyond the damage done by the blast, the requirement of a replacement is assumed. By design the functions of a bomb are the destruction of human life, by design it will need a replacement.



Buk Missile system is a bomb that was designed by a government to protect it from another government. Sold or given to “Rebels”.


Assumptions, this weaponry had been replaced by the first government with a new model better than the one it gave or sold to Rebels, upon launch within minutes a new ready to launch one took this missiles place on this system.


The product of a bomb is a product of death and carnage, repeatable by design.


The US, Russia, China have created the largest industry of repeatable use items, with but one single purpose the destruction of human life, they have and continue to build and offer off unused weaponry to adversary groups, and other governments, the free trade of these weapons, not by producer or manufacturer but by the very Government themselves.


Countless times since World War II has the world witnessed these atrocities, countless times these governments have offered no excuse to the reason of such, never been charged for the injury, either from within nor from without.


Blind greed, a thrust for more by design, a price tag humanity should not have to bare any longer. Release these manufacturers to go to build for the betterment of humanity, release the hostages of the world, release the people of the weight of the sales, and purchase no more.


Record of note, the most horrific Rebel since World War II was put down with SEAL TEAM SIX. If you are going to police the rebels stop arming the rebels. He was trained by a Government to attack Another Government, which he did successfully to each government.



Excuse me here, NO Child Should Die by a Weapon of War, they were not designed as replaceable.



Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Oh My God Enough!

Enough of the lies and bull!


I have failed to reach enough with reason, with facts, I am failing to make a change. To set in wonder at the reasons for our education issues, the reasons of our unemployment issues, our Roads, all of our domestic issues and the reasons or what excuse given by our Politian’s to avoid account abilities.


Our youth is tired of so many things, mostly the discouragement of success, the discouragement of happiness. They see a difference between what we teach them as children about sharing and caring, about manors and right from wrong and not to fight. They feel however more closely what our government actually does. Like a Hollywood movie, only with the bitter bite of reality, do they more clearly see what is asked of them.


That bitter Bite, the expendable. From dreams to hopes they see, they live what our governments ask of them.


They are angry, yet somehow they show more restraint, as if sleeping.


The Guardian almost hit’s one out of the park!


“The fire-with-fire attitude of hardline conservatives has its roots in the petulant cultural defensiveness adopted by the GOP – especially the Christian right – during the culture wars of the 90s. Their siege mentality bred an attitude toward liberals that saw every instance of social liberalization as proof of their own apocalyptic predictions and conspiracy theories. Gay marriage will lead to acceptance of beastiality and pedophilia. "Socialized medicine" will lead to the euthanizing Grandma. Access to birth control will lead to orgies in the streets.


What is being said by John “Jack” Reed (D-IR) "This is now the second time they’ve taken offsets intended to help the unemployed and used them to pay for other priorities,"

Huffington Post article “Congress Takes From Unemployment Extension To Give To Highway Trust Fund…



Really how is this Jack?...


Yet if you have already passed the Department of Defense, Homeland Security, Department of State, Intelligence Authorization, North America Energy Infrastructure Act,  All those Acts and Appropriations Congress approved just last month, adding to our deficits, and a previous history of Down Payment to Protect National Security Act of 2003, 2/8/2013—As Introduced.


“Expresses the sense of Congress that: (1) full sequestration must be averted,

Which is further outlined in section 3 “Authorizes the Secretary of Defense (DOD) to transfer amounts appropriated for DOD by the Continuing Appropriations Resolution (P.L. 112-175) among accounts of DOD.”   Library of Congress Summary,


Or by the Administartion… further hindered by the Administration of the Senate


First letter to the president by the President of the Senate this year….dated Jan 24th 2014


Dear Mr. President:

In accordance with section 6 of the Consolidated Appropriations

Act, 2014 (the "Act"), I hereby designate for Overseas

Contingency Operations/Global War on Terrorism all funding

(including the rescission of funds) so designated by the

Congress in the Act pursuant to section 251(b) (2) (A) of the

Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985, as

amended, as outlined in the enclosed list of accounts.

The details of this action are set forth in the enclosed letter

from the Director of the Office of Management and Budget.

The Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr.

President of the Senate



So if you still think everything is going to rest on the do no harm moral, it is just not going to happen.


Wake up!


They just gave 120 thousand pink slips to military personnel, to join in the already over taxed unemployment system, then they take a few more million away from that system to pay for Roads.


The only thing untouchable is that Defense and Intelligent Budgets, they will not talk about these expenses, they will not go line by line though them, with a track history of express enactments, all of those budgets done and approved in one single month.


This is not about weather or not we need roads, it is about how expendable everything else is when you look and the budgets or War and Secrets. There is no humane compassion in this; there is no human compassion in them.


All other Government functions are now hindered under the weight of the untouchable Military and Secrete Police Budgets….


They do not care, they would rather prefect the ability of a drone armed with explosives to hit a target, setting in a house. They care nothing of who else is in the house, nor who else might benefit from dollars spent on that execution of a life, they care only that they will be able to replace that drone and make better the next one at all cost to you.


I now wonder if all those 120 thousand military personnel will need food stamps as well, or now medical insurance through Affordable Health Care.


Does this show they care at all about families? Weapons over all else, use them at very turn, make them a part of every treaty or agreement, sell them to other nations, so that we will need new and better ones, Wholesale our surplus that it may be used, create wars of social woe, Chase Hobgoblins and Hoodlums, thus denial social accountabilities.


Campaign contributions to law, the largest expense, the untouchable, an industry of demise and death, The Industrial Military Complex, and some think Eisenhower became paranoid.




No Child Should Die by a Weapon of War.







Tuesday, July 15, 2014

SWAMP People the GOP/Tea Party of America.

Conservative fever swamp also known as the GOP/Tea Party.
After no less than 50 amendments and bills to stop Affordable Care Act, what do you do when you do not get your way, File Lawsuit…
Lets talk about that political conservative Swamp, The house is controlled by the Republicans, in one month, as Of June 2014, This Swamp has worked really hard for you, really they did, they took on the most expensive parts of all the budget requests and solved every one that had Intelligence and or Military items or lines they approved the appropriations of Homeland Security, the Intelligence, and the Defense departments budgets.
H.R. 5013: Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2015
H.R. 4870: Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2015
H.R. 4681: Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Years 2014 and 2015
H.R. 3301: North American Energy Infrastructure Act
These bills and resolutions with the attached amendments represent 6.8 trillion dollars.
So why if there is no real reason for the cost of the law suit, why does the Swamp representatives want the attention on the Law Suit instead of what they are doing. Because they want to keep all those Lobbyists happy, all those Social Corps that now project an attitude of wanting more Security Wars, Wanting more bombing, wanting more attacks wanting more expenditure of those Weapons, why so they can get their friends paid.
Remember they Love Dick Chaney, who want to return to Iraqi, Why does he want us back in that country and the surrounding countries, simple even though he was charged, he still profits from Halliburton, the Texas company, you remember Texas don’t you home of Ted Cruz, The Tea Party and the hardliners of the GOP Republicans.
Now if you really want to charge someone lets do it. Let do it like England wants, release the emails and all correspondence from President Bush to Tony Blair which lead to the first invasion. The vice president has nothing whatsoever to do with the Pentagon bidding process, but the republican and Democrat parties do.
So why this week are we seeing our defense contractors be awarded sales to foreign governments all of them in the same geographic area. Israel, Saudi Arabia, then off to the nations of NATO focusing on the ones that have deployed now or in the past in our Wars on Terror, and the War on Drugs. THE PROFITS OF WAR SALES.
Impeach them all by vote did they do these things, not listening to the very people who elected them, and now have solicited the SWAMP ATTACK ATTITUED.
Every setting elected republican needs be impeached. EVER one of them, worry not they should be followed by every single democrat as well.
America is not for SALE by weapons, America is not for sale to S-corps, America has been lied to enough, America needs this change!
SWAMP People the GOP/Tea Party of America.

Marijunana is in the new a LOT!

The morning news contained so many stories about Marijuana.

First from the White House comes the sound of it is a states issue….Yea right.

Next the LA Times, “DEA may be losing the war on marijuana politics.”

Dear Mr. President,

If what you say is true about marijuana being a states issue, something needs to be done at the DEA, the rescheduling of Marijuana. Something else needs to be done as well, the War on Drugs, needs to be stopped.

As I am sure you are very aware of the fact that the DEA, has refused to reschedule, has refused congressmen’s pressure to remove this classification, has refused to answer questions under oath, most importantly the DEA is bond by law to enforce the Drug Wars Policies.

A state issue, is not what is needed, in fact this is a placebo, an avoidance to the issue of the incarcerations of youth, and clear discriminations at local and state levels to focus on minorities, forcing our issues with our southern boarders, forcing refugee and immigrations, a hindrance of medical treatment, medical research. All of these things I am sure you are aware of.

Michele Leonhart, a hold over from the Bush administration needs be removed form the post of DEA chief.

Marijuana needs to be rescheduled.

I do understand Sir, that Marijuana and the laws surrounding it are extensive, include in part The Terror War, Foreign policies, local and state funding reductions for the militarization’s of local law enforcement. I know how this drug has solicited special inclusions into so many other laws all based off of the Scheduling.

If this is truly a state issue, then the federal government must release Marijuana in the same manor it released Alcohol at the end of prohibition, with the complete removal of all federal laws hindering the states from dealing with this issue. Marijuana would have to be removed as is Alcohol from the schedule of drugs of abuse.

Per policy of the DEA and Federal Law

Once the final order is published in the Federal Register, interested

parties have 30 days to appeal to a U.S. Court of Appeals to

challenge the order. Findings of fact by the Administrator are

deemed conclusive if supported by “substantial evidence.” The

order imposing controls is not stayed during the appeal, however,

unless so ordered by the Court.

The Claim of “Substantial Evidence” has never been applied to Marijuana, in fact the very reasons of scheduling this drug as a schedule I drug or any scheduling has never been met.

Schedule I

»The drug or other substance has a high potential for abuse.

»The drug or other substance has no currently accepted

medical use in treatment in the United States.

»There is a lack of accepted safety for use of the drug or other

substance under medical supervision.

»Examples of Schedule I substances include heroin, gamma

hydroxybutyric acid (GHB), lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD),

marijuana, and methaqualone.

You Sir as the President have the authority to force “Substantial Evidence” claim, force the DEA to do its job, or force Michele Leonhart to resign.

These are why it is not a state issue, these reasons are why you Sir need to do your JOB and lead us out of a War of lies about a drug, as was Alcohol, stopping a fear not of the people but a fear of the government over stepping or failing to act. THAT FEAR is still here in each and every state of this union. Schedule I requirements posted above show how far off the “Substantial Evidence” is when 22 states have already found a medical use.
