Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Real Reason Pot is Illegal

The real reason Pot is still Illegal.



Interesting long article about how and why we still have issues with Marijuana, only I find this a nice list of special interests doing special things, making you believe what they are doing is right, oh by the way this is what they are doing.


( side note) (Partnership for Drug-Free Kids (formerly the Partnership for a Drug-Free America). What is in a name change, It would seem that there is a rumor that a attachment to a bill mostly likely to pass contains a tax break for the first five years of a S-Corp, so it only seems right to reorganize and get the tax break while we are at protecting our bodies in the pharmaceutical companies.)


What this does not show is the other side of the same group of Social Corps is the military crew, all those with sudden Security professional opinions and budgets around military contracts, which get direct funding for the manufacturing of Weapons. I am sure Boeing Co, Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin, all have similar interests in keeping the War on Drugs going considering they are all listed in the top 20 PAC Contributors.




So while the Pharmaceutical companies struggle to figure out a new plan of financial control of drugs, the military contractors struggle to keep funding for their contracts if just Marijuana was legalized. Which is listed clearly in the War on drugs, as the number one gateway drug.


Okay so we can see clear conflict of interest, clear profiteering, without getting into why this War and its funding is tied to every states budget for Law enforcement militarization’s. So how can they legalize this drug without writing a new way in to which the special interests get paid, military and police funding, all while they protect the companies who both stand to loose profit and the special contracts.


Wow They say they listen to us…….Really.




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