Thursday, July 31, 2014

When Something Big Happens Avoid it, NOT this TIME


Roll the clocks back a few years When something Big happens and you can see what happens when laws are violated, the thing is they never seem to reach higher than the Military Command; it never enters into the Joint Chief of Staff, never the National Security Council, never the White House.







The last a clear violation of our laws Guilt……..






I was under the impression that in military you follow orders, orders which come from the command down. Orders which are to come from the President with the backing of the Representative elected side, Orders which are to follow our Constitution.


Torture is a clear violation of the US Constitution, as is being held without charge, without representation and the ability to face your accuser in a court of law.


Torture is clear Violation of UN humanitarian Law.


Our Government needs to be rained in, if the agency’s that provide us with information on who, what and why we are endangered is filled with corruptions, cover ups, over violations of such horrendous acts as the application of Torture, and has the ability to keep that information from the Public.


At the core of this is the Patriot act giving special funds and governing rules to the Intelligence Agencies, Under that pretense no member of the Armed/ Government Services can be held accountable for following Orders given.


The US Congress, House of Representatives as well as the last two administrations HAVE VIOLATED LAWS, they have avoided accountability to our Bill of Rights, they have avoided accountabilities to their Violations of Human rights, by the Charter of the Geneva Conventions on the treatment of prisoners of War.


These Rights were drafted in protection humanities ability to stop the actions of tyranny and horrors.


I am sorry Colin Powell, Sir you saying you were not aware of the order you signed is not accepted. This like the weapons of Mass destruction that were never found lies clearly on the Desk of the President of the US and the members of Congress and House. From the very beginning there is doubt in the actions of the Bush Administration, and the Obama Administrations, the National Security Council to each administration at best is corrupt at worst should be jailed.


REPLEAL the PARIOT ACT, and every act enacted to enhance the Intelligence Agencies abilities to violate our RIGHTS. Put these people on Trail, in court that evidence can be presented, that supporting and funding can be stopped, SKIP Transparency, Prove the conspiracy in court, prove the line of funding, and prove the political backing. Prove these actions and hold these political parties accountable.


By our own law are we required to this.







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