Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Social Services and the Governor...

So it is Mr. Otter we again turn our attention to you, not some much in what you say you are doing, but more to the point of what you are actually doing.


Maybe Mr. Simpson can ask you a few questions to help, if the over all amount of requests and people who are on a social service like rent assistance are down, why does the cost keep going up? According to Mr. Simpson he says it is the that poor are not being challenged enough to go get a job, that there are just too many deadbeats eating on the Government dime.


But let’s see if that make sense, if the over all number of requests are down how come the expense goes UP?


Well history helps a bit but only to identify who did what, not who said what. Mr. Simpson and the Ted Cruz have been telling America the issue with social welfare is the people getting the Social Service right, what they have been doing is training these Non-profits how to supply food stamps, yes you see we used to have federal employee’s assigned to help state employee’s ensure the social services were fare and the people requesting the assistance were doing their part. What is driving some of the costs up are these Non-profits need that 21% service charge for administering the social service which is costing more than when the stated did the job.


All except here in Idaho, were Governor Otter Goes a bit further or should I say as the Leader of this state, has found another way to drive those cost up. 


You see Neighborhood Housing Authority, is granted the part of supplying rent assistance and places to live for those who are in need of a home, now we know they have that 21% to manage these services the costs of administrations, yet here in Boise Idaho we have a for PROFIT company managing the Housing Projects for the granted non-profit NHS ( Neighborhood Housing Authority) this for profit company manages properties all over the state.


So the costs go up when the managing company charges more to the state for their services of managing these properties, it also goes up when this company is sued or challenged in court by residents. In fact this company seems to pass the direct costs of their management plus the companies profit on to the renters and NHS, the state.


Now hold on I am saying they are charging more to the state and to the RENTERS of the STATE FUNDED HOUSING PROJECTS. The people in need.


The people in need can not complain to the state that the state service is being managed by a company who want s to make a profit on renters, the people who are in need of the social services. A state issue it is the managing company’s issue, yet the state owns the buildings. No one can complain the government is being decimated about who lives or even how one can get into a rent assisted housing, because the managing company is not the state, yet the state owns the service.


So the reality of rent assistance and the costs are about managing the properties not about services to those who need assistance.


So Mr. Otter now that we a clearer understanding of how the state costs of renters assistance is going up, and the management of these services under your leadership as governor.


First Question that comes to mind Mr. Otter is How do you make it okay, for a non-profit service ( renters assistance ) granted to the state of Idaho from the budgets Mr. Simpson has provided the State from the federal government, our taxes at work supporting those in need, How Sir do you make it okay for a For PROFIT company to manage the state Housing assistance buildings?


Does their for Profit status mean that it is okay to charge the state more, and the renters more even though the state owns the properties?


Next question Sir goes straight to the point of assistance, if the state is paying more now, than when the state managed these properties why do you not save money and remove the for Profit company from these services?


You are the governor you are the one under oath of office to make these decisions, Why do you allow the corruptions and the miss management to continue?


This is part one Mr. Otter between now and the end of the year, we are going to go in-depth in this issue, the reason is the miss management which leads to the corruptions on your desk, the assumptions being either you allow it or are part of it.



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