Thursday, December 11, 2014

What will it take?

Do you like what you are seeing and reading about what is happening in the USA right now?


Protests against Discriminations, A Report of Torture by our Governing leaders, Bankers and Insurance companies getting more and more Powerful… Contractors legally getting way with crimes…. And our Leaders saying they will not hold themselves accountable…


We know the issue is corruptions yet few will make a stand to correct it, how much corruptions are going on right now?


I read this morning that a Democrat wants to have sweeping changes in the CIA, yet the same democrat voted for the continuance of these wrongs, in fact both sides of the politicians voted and approved the continence of both never ending expenses of WAR, the Terror War and the Drug War were and are both fully funded for the next year.


Why did Oliver North go to jail? Why did President Nixon resign? Why does not the Justice Department investigate the Terror Report? Why does not the Justice Department investigate the Discriminations of the Drug War?


When will you say enough? What horror will it take?


I say recall them all if they voted for the Defense Budget the Intelligence Budget and the State Department Budget then they are as GUILTY as Nixon and Oliver North.


If we can not learn from our own history what future do we have?


By their vote by the action of voting for those bills they are going to put us into more and more Violence.


What will it take before you demand they do the right thing?


I say we can and should recall them and start again a new election for each and every one of them.


How else are we going to stop these wrongs?




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