Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Torture is Torture!

“From a legal perspective, that language doesn’t really change the status quo. Torture and cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment are already prohibited under domestic and international law,” said Raha Wala, senior intelligence counsel for the advocacy group Human Rights First. “The problem we had after 9/11 was that, despite the prohibition against torture, Bush administration officials engaged in loophole lawyering to allow the CIA to engage in conduct that is otherwise pretty clearly considered unlawful torture or cruel treatment.”

Rationalization, lying to avoid, then Cut off, then enactment of the action, human behaviors.

To do something wrong even a Politician follows thoughts and behaviors to achieve it.

The rationalizing we are at war.

Lying to avoid, the bases location, the Unwillingness to close those prisons, the unwillingness of other countries to honor deportation hearings and the undisclosed agreements of release to other Governments. The stuff we do not know.

Cut off the reduction of excuses not to do the action, “water boarding” the least horrific being selected as a topic lead in media polls, the reduction of “Sodomy feeding” in the News, Never seems to be discussed by the “I’ll do it again.” Cheney and the likes of Cruz during his election bid not announcement or with Mrs. “Water boarding” Sara Palin.

Realities: Mr. Laden was stopped by a cell phone tip. Seal Team 6 found a “Treasure-trove of Information” , He was in hiding due to the amount of attention given him and his life style a Cell Phone Tip brought on by mass media attention, pamphlets, even decks of cards.

To buy 5,000 rifles ammo, grenades and the bandoliers no local “public” gun store can do that.

If the act of “Sodomy Feeding”, is the wrong term you choose to look at this, please explain a term you would use for this action.

The mind set of a person to do horrendous wrongs, is propped up by the denial of the atrocities even to today.

That Treasure-trove of Information, contained what on whom? How many of those responsible for 9-11 came to an end on that information? Cell-phone Tip….

If they spent over a year discussing what they the committee could release, with the clear divide of “parties” non Partisan, the CIA and the Administration and this is what they are okay with releasing, what actions beyond Sodomy Feeding have been done?

How come Video tapes were destroyed?
How come the CIA scanned the Computers of the Committee members?
How come Congress passed a law removing their Liabilities to both Civic and Legal actions of these acts of Horror?

Some will under what takes to put two bullets in another person’s head, while others will wonder what it takes to unarm him.

To buy 5,000 rifles you have to go to a Broker of Arms, you have to Pay for those Arms or you have to place those arms on Credit.

In 14 years not one Broker of Arms, not one Banker of transaction, not one Financer of Weapons, which by this same Order and the resulting Law demanded.

How good was the interrogations, just how successful were they?
How successful is the Avoidances of these Actions water boarding and Sodomy Feeding?


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