Wednesday, July 31, 2013

There IS no department of Faith

Marianne ♫ TongChas. There IS no department of Faith. …..Your right it is “agency”, of the office of the President of the U.S.A. The highest office of the Government of this Country  The White House Office of Faith and Neighborhood Partnerships formerly the White House Office of Faith Based and Community Initiatives an office within the White House Office that is part of the Executive Office of the President of the United States…..”


Other offices or councils of the Executive office include the National Security, Economic advisers, Environmental Quality, National Drug Control, Councils, office of Management and Budget.


Now as an executive Order by the president the members and leader of this “Agency”  Do not have to be even be mentioned to congress let a lone ratified, they are appointed. Make no pretends about this, If a member of such a council walked into a acting director of, I’ll use healthcare for John, or Veterans affairs, Who do you think has more Power and Control, the Ratified Director of Veterans Affairs or the Executive Office of the President representative?


Next John, mockery of Health care, or mockery of God or the mockery of thinking that this issue isn’t already placing a stance upon the American people that they have little or no control, consider it an editorial in the Sunday paper you disagree with.



Part 2….


Brian HomewoodChas , there is a world outside of the USA and Irael you know, perhaps you know that?


Brain I am sure I walked in a few other places, more to the point, I have very little understanding of the Government of the UK, However as a Nato Nation they have been following the same path for the last 30 years at least, You tell me how much is spent in England on social programs, then tell me the amount of Aide given to the State of Israel, please include military aide seeing how we are talking about an alliance of nations.


I have chased down the when things have changed here in the USA, I have pointed out the why of that change, mostly because that information is so easy to attain for me. I have to express that the challenges in just learning the different forms of legislation of the UK or before Megan Melody Owen chimes from Australia, Martin Jay from India is harder for me than you by shear fact of living within those respective countries.


More to the point, If any government is spending more on security domestic or National defense than they are supporting services  of the community which the government represents there is something completely wrong. Doing that out of an alliance of Military and Economic corruption based on a religious stance or theology is appalling. Here in America that is not supposed to happen. Worse still is the fact that America is a world leader that our influence among other nations gives these facts much more far reaching effects.


So when I look at the UN peace keeping force presently deployed in the world by shear numbers of members present in each locations, the areas of most violence, the area where those troops are assigned fall directly on the same lines as the War between Christians and Muslims, Muslims and Jews. No matter the beliefs of the originating country of the peace force.


When I look at the humanitarian efforts around the world, I see completely lopsided justifications for the needs of the world. This is according to the doctrines is a wrong, it seems to be justified by a single point of we need Security. A false Security, for how can one say I am using a gun to secure your need for food from the Muslims Christians or Jews. Yet world wide 98% of all military use is in fighting this same war. When one thinks that the deployment is against Tyrants or even the “Axis of Evil”, you find this to be less than two percent of the deployments, less than two percent of the budgets spent by the UN and the US Government, please feel free to tell me how much your country is spending in this same situations.


I think this directly addresses the Why God has become persona non grata, it is Him that has been used and still being used as a reason for these Military expenses, a reason for this Violence, and a reason for this economic plight.


Remember we agreed that beliefs are a personal thing, then why are our militaries being used?


Part 3……

Because larger than the amount of money made from Oil, is the amount of money made for the military industrial complex. God is just being used as an excuse to spend and use these products. Something this God has been about since day one what a wonderful alliance, we have the excuse, let us have our War.


Now comes the issue of Government contractors, why are they being used, they can not be tried in Military court, they can not be tried by the hosting country of need, they do not have to follow the rules of agree engagement, they are not actual military forces of these governments, and the big one they can not be tried in their originating country for actions that happened outside of their boarders. Governments no longer have to be accountable for a military force or its actions, they can and have been using contractors, Yes Brain even England uses them to avoid accountability. They are deployed along those same lines on all sides of this “War”. They are mercenaries, they are assassins, and they are called security guards armed to the teeth with no rule or laws nor accountabilities.


They get to use these weapons without regards to the rules and laws; they are the deniability’s of our government’s actions in war zones.


I am sure that these little notes of mine are what some would say a bit outside of the normal thoughts of the community, however these are truths, I am sorry people do not want to hear about this, I am sorry that the belief in God is being used, I am sorry that I as one single person can no longer close a blind eye to this. I am sorry that God has become persona non grata over an issue of War. A war which has never stopped since the day that God said here is your land, here is a sword, go and kill in my name, so you have your land you have your place of worship, the place you call holy, a place riddled with bullet holes and blood, a place you can pray for the relief of sins of this war.


However I am not sorry for saying this, nor stating this is a wrong.




Monday, July 29, 2013

Projected at me......

It is my understanding that the view of what I do for a living, can be confusing to some, some will with haste judge me upon work I achieve, others will judge me upon income I make, however to judge me about morals of values based on what I do, has little to do with my ability to have a loving lasting relationship, Nor the values and morals of the by products such a relationship such as children and friends.


My work solicits emotions, among them jealousy and envy, for you to believe that I live with those emotions or morals there of, is a mistake, my relationships are of the most importance to me, to project jealousy or envy as a perception of your value of love, or of the love of my friends and family, is clearly a by product of your own fear of understanding what a loving caring relationships foundations are.


Jealousy, the fear of loosing a love, is more a chain of control than a value of love. It is something that neither my wife nor my children have within the love we share which if you ever take the time to get to know us know we share with our friends and the people we work with.


Understanding that envying that is at the heart of all jealousy a core of self reflections of less or of not having upon which your self projections are founded. Is another thing we have limited understanding of, nor is it value with which we seek to project.


In light of these misconceptions rest assured that even though my work entails the use of sexy images, thinking that my wife and I suffer from jealousy or envy simply shows the complete misunderstanding of the values and work it takes to have a loving caring relationship, one without fear of loosing that same loving caring relationship.


Saying anything other, would be a direct reflection of morals which you build your love, it is not how we developed ours.


John WardWASHINGTON — Four out of 5 U.S. adults struggle with joblessness, near-poverty or reliance on welfare for at least parts of their lives, a sign of deteriorating economic security and an elusive American dream.


John, if I may I would like to make a few things clear if I can, we that is I and you have been warned of our present plight by many great men, of them our nations leaders have been only a few, anytime you take a Community, Society or Nation and force upon it an industry of war and armaments you set that Community, Society or Nation against the very foundations of liberty, you set in motion a hunger of economic power that can not be feed by anything other than the use of those products of war.


Presidents Dwight D Eisenhower and John F Kennedy warn the American public and the world of the present power of armament industries how this powerful industry has been unchecked, unaccountable, and has lead to an Elite mongering at the cost of social betterment of mankind. The social ramifications of having this Elite group, and the alliances this group has formed has had a direct cost of the liberties of the individual, The propaganda machine of this group has been the constant barrage of miss information to provide a rational excuse to use this industries products.


The plight of the world economy can and should be laid clearly upon these individuals, for no Society, Nation nor Community, can support the development of individual prosperity in a time of war, nor can any provide personal rights, nor development of individual Sovereignty. Instead the only thing that Society, Nation or Community can then provide is Security.


This false Security which must be feed is an industry, its sole purpose is that of its use of fear and panic, it will and constantly look for Social aliment to Social unrest, using human core beliefs of Social wrongs like discrimination, religious beliefs, to divert attention away for the quality of life and personal liberty.


Our Nation, Society, down to each small Community has a responsibility of Stewardship of that Community, Society, and Nations, this Stewardship must include check and balances.


It is there fore our responsibility as an individual to make certain that personal freedoms and liberties are not lost at the price of Security.


Our issue with our economic situation is we have become a Society of war. Our economic situation is a direct result of the leadership we have chosen, and has nothing to do with discriminations nor of religious beliefs nor any other Social diversions.



In short John, Mickey bought a gun, Mickey wants to use that gun, Mickey will make you uncomfortable until you fear Mickey’s gun. Mickey will use fear and Panic to control your views until you like Mickey buy a gun. That has nothing to do with liberty, freedom, Our Nation nor God, But GREED.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Heathen or Heaven or Heavens Heathen.

Heathen * Noun

1. an unconverted individual of a people that do not acknowledge the God of the Bible; a person who is neither a Jew, Christian, nor Muslim; pagan.

2.  an irreligious, uncultured, or uncivilized person.


Heaven * heav·en noun

1.  the abode of God, the angels, and the spirits of the righteous after death; the place or state of existence of the blessed after the mortal life.


I finally qualify for something new, I know I was blessed a few times, almost each time I sneezed, I know I am not a Jew, Christian nor Muslim, I admit to being a bit irreligious and all, plus look at them images, I must walk with angels and extremely interesting spirits I admit to play with and I hope to up until my death.


I have to be a Heathen of Heaven…


When do you say enough is enough? When do you make a stand? What is the line that has to be crossed, just when do you say enough is enough?


No not why or even what, when is about that decision.


That moment of time that stands before all action, the seconds as you have completed the process of elimination of not doing something, thus start entertaining the beginnings of a plan of conduct.


Does three things fall.


Selfishness, down to the thought that someone else can or will do something about it, to the hopes it will fix itself, even to the belief of the community.


Self, the exact measure of who you are.


Judgment, defining the Why and the What against Self and Selfishness.


At that point does the view change, at that point is character made.


You take all that you have learned in becoming who you are and balance it between your desires and your fear.


Think for a moment not of the why or even the what, but at who you.  Not where you came from nor live, not how you were raised but the person that you are. See even you can take god out of it. But you did not take love out of it.


Now if even one tenth of what has been said, pro to con as true, would it not stand to reason, that though the values hold true, if you take away Christian, you take away Muslim and you take away Jew you take away 90% of all wars, 75% of most governments expense, you take away roadside bombs, you take away terrorist And for that you take away ten churches, ten mosques, and you take away ten synagogues.


Of this “God” do history you make. 


Alas it is not my honor at stake.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Beauty of a spirit

The beauty of a spirit hidden or revealed is the strength to stand to adversity while moving everyone with the thoughts and feelings of love.


If I were to ask how does one develop a belief, I would be told of the idea, I would have to judge the idea against what I am, I would judge the idea against you and what I see in you. I would have to weigh this idea against the things of me that I share rarely the inside thoughts of me, I would have to see this idea work even against the things you wish me not to know. I would read of this so I would know, I would search for this so I could see this idea.


A formation of a belief, is work, a challenge or it would not hold its strength.


A spirit cares not of belief.  Revealed or hidden does a spirit act.


A spirit has no place to go for it has been no place before, it has no shape, yet its measure can be seen, it can be the smallest of things traveling in the space between the fabric of time, yet it can be felt by many as one or by none.


A spirit is a voice a symphony, or a lone cello playing, it is the sound of children playing.


A spirit is a sight, that glance of curiosity, an achievement with all ones might or the shadows of the night.


A spirit cares not of plight.


A spirit will not fight.


Like a steady hand does a spirit push, it gives thoughts, feelings an endless supply if our lives should we miss a love, deep within each does it grow, from the moments of cuddle of a child to the hands holding of a life filled with pride.


Does a spirit move with love, It can explain our need of each other. From the high school prom to the waltz of aged togetherness does the spirit dance, from holding hands to the thrill of that first kiss, to the nagging just to be near, does a spirit exist.


To some a spirit will be seen to others hidden as if a dream.


And I laugh for me I’ll dance with the spirits hidden yet seen.

A Solution

A solution is simple too simple to be seen, we look first to love how is it shown, then we look to our communities how do we treat each other with love? Then we go to the halls of Government and we stand for what is right, can we show love without might?


Simple is it seen hard is the journey of love, one first steps away from self and gives to another that is the power of love, love is not charity it is clarity, a gift of love in thought or deed stands stronger. Give a hug, Give with love.


There is so much Music in love, there is so much Art in love we forget the power of love.


It is too simple to see love.


How much of history is written as a description of love? How many poems, songs, paintings how much of man is about love?


How much in you does love live, how much do you give?


Love has no bounds and can not be bound, it has no weakness for it is made of meekness.


With what clarity can you see the value of a love given away, to what need does saying I have love.


That is the strength of love.


Too simple to see.


What child does not respond to love? What teacher can not teach of love? What painter does not paint of love?


Light a candle of love and the light of the candle lasts longer than the giver, it is given and given and returned and given to only be returned as love, it can not change it can not hide, it is the light of love.


Its strength is seen in the eye, its only weakness is the deny.


Look at man his history, the stories his advances his weakness you tell me is what we are here for is to show love. Hidden in the litany of a Gods war.


The reason for you the reason for me is love, how and who will you touch with love is the only reason of love the only reason of your story or of my story love is the only history.

Can you find the solution in love? What value does a gun have in love? What meaning is a bomb to love?

What strength has a child got when he feels love? What is the strength is saying I care? how strong is a smile?

Can you grow something from the Earth without love? Does not each form of life respond to love? Does not a plant grow and dance if you play music to it? Does not a child show more become more if they are shown love?

What weakness is in intelligence that love can not strengthen?


What have we yet found that does not contain a reason of love? The Stars? The Biology? How can that be? You were made of love? and love made everything, it is in between each thing, it is the rhythm of the math, it is the discovery, it is the bravery, it is what defines man.


Love is by far older than any religion and contains no religion. Love is the only universal like time it can not be given nor taken, it can not be hidden, nor shaken, it can not be measured, yet it is the only thing considered about you.


Chas gets off the soapbox and pauses with a smile..........Why else could I be here.....I wave with a smile breaming with volume........Why else but love.........

Turn the lights out when you get done....if one can be done with love.....

I started today

I can set here and run with this yet again, in the Name of this Hebrew Midget on all sides has war made money, has these three religions been warring, Lying about warring,  bringing this war to every door, yep all the way down to but its done with Love for God know we are right. Christian against Jew, Jew against Muslim, Muslim against Christian they all say my God is right. Want to Join?


Knock knock upon my door it is a Christian Missionary, His Bible in hand, his clothing all clean and near perfection as he smiles and extends his hand……poor boy…I am sure his minister can explain why and how he walked away head held down as he stared starry eye’d at his shoes.


I met a rabbi the other day he was praying for another’s demise……Want to Join?


In a call of prayer I herd Jihad a call to march a call to war……….Want to Join?


I turned to seek help for another yesterday…Shall we pray………Want to Join?


A month ago it seems I wrote an address explaining that this belief this God is now in every form of our Government, from taxation to alliance that was made.


What of this expense, what of the costs………Missiles and Guns is still the drum…..Want to Join?


I could take a bat and hit people in the head and I still can not get them to see that any belief in “He” equals only the death of thee………Want to Join?


And they call us smart,……..I say we have no heart.


At this I was told….


Is easy to critize religions Chas , what do you think is the solution?

Monday, July 22, 2013

A call of need

I paused in my wonder today about to set off. When the call came, a friend it would seem had a need of me, he needed a ride, so off I set as simple and free with this note of assistance to be said.


I journeyed there to his place of the start, meeting him with kind greetings and a smile I said, Where sir would you have need of me to take you?




Friday, July 19, 2013

A thought of reason

Okay so now we can all see, that truly I lay unto you a simple fact. Religions are a social dis-ease, when confronted with its realities one clearly see’s the unease, uncomforted of the discussions of reality.


The only reason to see the use of a congregation is from the social reasons.


Thus it would be said if one was to remove a religious belief one would have to replace it. Humans as a group tend to resist change until the pain of the gain out weighs the pain of continuance. Yet never strayed far from the comforts.  Alas leaving to guilt, shame, envy, condemning the coloring of morals.


For if you bowed and prayed as self then you and only you would pray unto the “God”, one communication, one request and one prayer from one person to one “God”. What is the value of sharing a prayer with anyone else least you see reliance upon another to justify the belief.


If you were to sing to god as one person, one joyous voice, the song would be solo to the God. If another joined in the song it becomes a choir of voices, yet would you still be singing as a solo to your part. The value of the choir is to the listeners.


The coloring of your thoughts, offer only the perceptions you have sought.


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Honesty…. a point in which I am having trouble moving past,

Honesty…. a point in which I am having trouble moving past, the issue of shame of body and the judgments from others….


It is one thing to shame a person over a miss deed, or a comment even an attitude sometimes could use a little shame. However to shame another for courage, for a display of art a wonderful image either in paint or of print, of the beauty of what “God” made. Is truly appalling.


If I may is my idea and concept of the edification.


To bring attention to what not only is seen, but also the emotions of the true person displayed to another is surely an act of faith, the courage to stand fourth and allow the other person to publicly display both physical as well as the emotional image of the person they are is truly a humbling experience.


In my life I have met many people, people who for some reason are driven to the life of fame and attention, many of them come with their own stories, histories, of the life they have chosen. They have come to me for an image. I have done my best to provide them that picture.


However every one of them has left me with an image.


What the delivery of shame is about.


When another stands up and judges either the emotion or the model, by way of shame this causes the most damage. To do this as a Friend, A Parent, or even a Lover demonstrates the value of delivering pain, and serves no other purpose. It can not be done in a form with “Love”, for truly that can only explain the value of what you call love, the delivery of shame, and the delivery of “Pain”.


To deliver this in the guise of a religious belief, demonstrates ones ability to understand the Quote “who among you can cast that first stone”. Alas understanding a word hits harder than a stone is maturity, something only a child would miss.


Oh that is right, God only judges those things as a sin if the other is of the same belief as you, otherwise it is a way to gain influence among your communities.


To many I apologies for your images are in a stack awaiting my resolution of this issue, it is hard to move forward knowing the only result of their efforts and mine is that of a gift of shame. I can not edit this day, I can not edit this out. Only you can edit your shame.



Monday, July 8, 2013

At Dawn when one sweats a Haiku & Tanka



At dawn when one sweats,

Does the cost become clear friend,

upon relief set.


The Tanka,


Of Judgments, judgments and judgments.


I started a journey a few years ago, with this alignment of the economy, this adjustment of prosperity, this amend of my poverty.


I asked once for help myself for my children my wife to my life, I walked in to a place where the information is taken, a judgment delivered.


I was told that to gain housing it would be better if I was divorced, that my wife would receive such assistance upon discovery of such, That I and her were at least parted at once.


I gathered my pride like the lion of beast, walked away did I to set alone. There upon self did I lay my guilt, my shame. Then in need did I kick a door in, and there set I out of the weather did my pride come complete.


There was a knock, the bankers insurer was at the door, I was given three days or in the weather would my Childs play, So I came here to be with the immigrants to a one would they be called a refugee of thee.


I found here the children of mothers who know not their fathers, the families of the war torn earth, as anyone can see. A Hebrew A Muslim, and me.


Thus did I find that it was not just me. For the Mother could feed a family of six, while the Hebrew, the Muslim and me could grow a small garden to assist our families in need, It does not matter that she has three and that I have four, it is that she is Christian is that judgment laid.


Now of the Hebrew, the Muslim and me, well we found each other, we found our needs. For the Value of prosperity not a dime can you pay.


We found if we have dreams, if we have our prides, of liberty can we seek. To a one can we belong, if only in those dreams.


For once I was told, to judge not a prostitute, a harlot, I was told to find the beggars, the blind, the unloved, and there should I give.


I was told it is better for I to wash their feet, to care for them, rather than throw a stone, in contempt of them, that I should be likened to them, them to me. A link in life, that they should be put first is the love made.


Worry not about I nor the Hebrew or Muslim nor of the meek, for off we go to the community garden, is this sweltering heat to attend to our tomatoes, for something to eat.


For the money changers these insurers have paid your tithing is now complete, they laid this at the feet of the leaders who made this the law. That one is better and the other lesser, that a father has no value, That a Christian is the meat.


Alas now my journeys like my story now complete.


My heart grows Heavy America of what morals do you seek.

Friday, July 5, 2013

A member of this Nation

Chief Justice, John G. Roberts Jr,


Dear Sir,


I lay upon your feet three documents, The U.S Constitution, The Declaration Of Independence and this public grievance, That you Sir, will in good conscious, take upon the court, the civic duties and responsibilities with which you by your own Oath of acceptance have taken upon yourself.


I ask that you sir, instill the concept of our founding fathers, right to address your court. On the charges of Treason, and take into Custody, Acting President, Barack Omaha, and George W. Bush. By executive order Have created and maintained A Department of Government that directly Violates, The U.S. Constitution and its founding document the Declaration of Independence.


That you Sir, stand before this Nation and up hold the reason of the of your court, that in times of the violations by the acting members of the Administration part of our Government. That you Sir step forth, and present among to the members of your court with all haste, and assume responsibilities in which you Sworn to up hold.


I am forced Sir to remind you that this is the very purpose of which your court stands, as a safe guard to the rebuilt, that the administration office of Government shall fall under your laws, and control. Should the members of the Administration of this Government violate the U.S. Constitution and the Rights of the members of this Nation. That upon Grievance should you act.


Sir let this document stand for such a grievance, that this document be submitted unto the Court, to the members of The Supreme Court, You twelve sound members in both mind, and beliefs shall decide both the fate of this actions, You the Members of the office of our protection, Sworn to Oath to up hold the letter of the law. With or without a listed signed by vote decision can and with all haste should take these action this date.


A member of this Nation by right of Birth, and by authorship of this document.


The under signed.


Chas Della Silva,

3487 N. Five Mile Rd. Boise Id. 83713

I awoke with a start, surely not what the spark was all about....

Part one,


I awoke with a start, surely not what the spark was all about…this morning when I awoke, you know I am boss of sorts, laugh at myself or a sneaker at least.  So I could lay there with reason and relax a bit, I get all snuggled down you know that perfect moment as your eyes begin to close,


and the Phone rang……


I read a book once where a story was told, about pride, about honor about right about wrong….I read a document where much was said. About freedoms about right, about wrong.


The story of Liberty and Lilly all in one.


Lilly is but a child, who on many times played with my daughter here in the projects. Her curly brown hair, her witty smile and a gutsy stance. The daughter of the entertainer who made some bad choices. To not a one of you did you ask about her.


I hope she will be well, a wish upon her a love that none could ever give…


Part Two,


Liberty is the story of hopes of dreams, a value of each to be his own, believe in his own. Like the child named Lilly is the same same story, and that man Thomas Paine that man was right. God should never run Government and that separation of “Church” and “State “ must never be broken.


Liberty is never to deliver shame upon a man about his religious beliefs. I introduced a friend of mine the other day I said….”I have here a friend of 65 plus years he is from Iraqi, a Muslim a man of stature, A father if you think this man sees a Muslim organization handing out lunch your are wrong. This is home of the Christian Mountain West.”  To not a one of you did you ask about him.


I hope his liberty his story of hopes of dreams a value of each to be his own, believe in his own, an immigrant’s acceptance of the value of America. In the land of the free….


I said, “Remember that great man President Bush with the W attached. The midget of a man created and insured that Faith based support was the best of options, this man took the refugees from every area of conflict and said Now that you have Bled for god here is your support from god. History always is written from the winners.


This is a treason to the home of the brave.”


Why after this many years of fighting, denying, that the way of our Country is wrong without a fore thought to the shame delivered for his believes. This man of stature , a Muslim, a father whose child plays with my daughter here in the projects.


In America, there is not enough, pride and honor to see, that God and State must remain separated That the idiot who would put public assistance at the hands of a religious “Faith” Department of Government, committed Treason and every voting congressman, or representative, every Senator by public of yea or nay has done the same.



Liberty like Lilly may or may not come play with my daughter here in the projects.


Part Three,


I read a book once where a story was told, about pride, about honor about right about wrong….I read a document where much was said. About freedoms about right, about wrong.


The story of Liberty and Lilly all in one.



Should I hang up the phone now….


Could this be a reason of why this “God” the Father, the Son and the Cousin have become “Persona non Grata” does this matter to you who live outside of America yes it should, a assistance L’ll give you, a government should never be combined religious beliefs.


It takes away hopes and dreams deliverers only shame.


It is Five A.M, July 5th. 2013. I am going to get me some coffee,



Ring ring, nucgek…This is Chas’s voicemail, if you are a publisher leave your name and number, I will get back with you at Ten….



Monday, July 1, 2013

Upon a hill does one man set

Upon a hill did one man set;


If you were to set upon a hill, with the conjuring of time in the morning mists, you would be presented of such a tell, that through out your day you would wonder, taking a moments upon moment to ponder.


In the mists you would see a family of three, so prideful, so fierce; the dew upon the ground would become the reflections of blood. Although I have not met thee, I hate thee.


First to the killing fields were the wars are fought by men, would be the sacking of Rome and the massacre of Juno, and the raping of Minerva, Venus, Diana, Vesta, Luna and Ceres.


When in your horror you go to take breath a pause, on they trot to Oden’s fair fields, the Druids demise was but a lunch time play, as they snacked up nectars of the islands so green. Alas Oden’s murder was entertainment for these.


Off they have killed from the lands of Lions and onto the lands of Tigers, they have magically drifted a crossed the Sea’s, where they met the Mother of Trees, the Father of Sky, and they killed all of these.


The jealousy of the spoils of this war, has the streets of Jerusalem drenched in Blood, for on that fated ground is the House they Built, The Father, Cousin and Son.


Bills of this misty Blood soaked tell is paid for like all stories of “Gods”  on the shoulders and heads of the Smithies, Farmers, The lives of You and Me, Our Fathers our Mothers, as will our Sons and our Daughters.


Now as the mist clears, and you settle about your day think for one moment, a few seconds of time, if that expense is one life, one child of thee and all you had to do to save that child from the alter was not to believe. How ease would come the responsible thing.


Alas I leave you this day with but a perception from me.