Wednesday, July 31, 2013

There IS no department of Faith

Marianne ♫ TongChas. There IS no department of Faith. …..Your right it is “agency”, of the office of the President of the U.S.A. The highest office of the Government of this Country  The White House Office of Faith and Neighborhood Partnerships formerly the White House Office of Faith Based and Community Initiatives an office within the White House Office that is part of the Executive Office of the President of the United States…..”


Other offices or councils of the Executive office include the National Security, Economic advisers, Environmental Quality, National Drug Control, Councils, office of Management and Budget.


Now as an executive Order by the president the members and leader of this “Agency”  Do not have to be even be mentioned to congress let a lone ratified, they are appointed. Make no pretends about this, If a member of such a council walked into a acting director of, I’ll use healthcare for John, or Veterans affairs, Who do you think has more Power and Control, the Ratified Director of Veterans Affairs or the Executive Office of the President representative?


Next John, mockery of Health care, or mockery of God or the mockery of thinking that this issue isn’t already placing a stance upon the American people that they have little or no control, consider it an editorial in the Sunday paper you disagree with.



Part 2….


Brian HomewoodChas , there is a world outside of the USA and Irael you know, perhaps you know that?


Brain I am sure I walked in a few other places, more to the point, I have very little understanding of the Government of the UK, However as a Nato Nation they have been following the same path for the last 30 years at least, You tell me how much is spent in England on social programs, then tell me the amount of Aide given to the State of Israel, please include military aide seeing how we are talking about an alliance of nations.


I have chased down the when things have changed here in the USA, I have pointed out the why of that change, mostly because that information is so easy to attain for me. I have to express that the challenges in just learning the different forms of legislation of the UK or before Megan Melody Owen chimes from Australia, Martin Jay from India is harder for me than you by shear fact of living within those respective countries.


More to the point, If any government is spending more on security domestic or National defense than they are supporting services  of the community which the government represents there is something completely wrong. Doing that out of an alliance of Military and Economic corruption based on a religious stance or theology is appalling. Here in America that is not supposed to happen. Worse still is the fact that America is a world leader that our influence among other nations gives these facts much more far reaching effects.


So when I look at the UN peace keeping force presently deployed in the world by shear numbers of members present in each locations, the areas of most violence, the area where those troops are assigned fall directly on the same lines as the War between Christians and Muslims, Muslims and Jews. No matter the beliefs of the originating country of the peace force.


When I look at the humanitarian efforts around the world, I see completely lopsided justifications for the needs of the world. This is according to the doctrines is a wrong, it seems to be justified by a single point of we need Security. A false Security, for how can one say I am using a gun to secure your need for food from the Muslims Christians or Jews. Yet world wide 98% of all military use is in fighting this same war. When one thinks that the deployment is against Tyrants or even the “Axis of Evil”, you find this to be less than two percent of the deployments, less than two percent of the budgets spent by the UN and the US Government, please feel free to tell me how much your country is spending in this same situations.


I think this directly addresses the Why God has become persona non grata, it is Him that has been used and still being used as a reason for these Military expenses, a reason for this Violence, and a reason for this economic plight.


Remember we agreed that beliefs are a personal thing, then why are our militaries being used?


Part 3……

Because larger than the amount of money made from Oil, is the amount of money made for the military industrial complex. God is just being used as an excuse to spend and use these products. Something this God has been about since day one what a wonderful alliance, we have the excuse, let us have our War.


Now comes the issue of Government contractors, why are they being used, they can not be tried in Military court, they can not be tried by the hosting country of need, they do not have to follow the rules of agree engagement, they are not actual military forces of these governments, and the big one they can not be tried in their originating country for actions that happened outside of their boarders. Governments no longer have to be accountable for a military force or its actions, they can and have been using contractors, Yes Brain even England uses them to avoid accountability. They are deployed along those same lines on all sides of this “War”. They are mercenaries, they are assassins, and they are called security guards armed to the teeth with no rule or laws nor accountabilities.


They get to use these weapons without regards to the rules and laws; they are the deniability’s of our government’s actions in war zones.


I am sure that these little notes of mine are what some would say a bit outside of the normal thoughts of the community, however these are truths, I am sorry people do not want to hear about this, I am sorry that the belief in God is being used, I am sorry that I as one single person can no longer close a blind eye to this. I am sorry that God has become persona non grata over an issue of War. A war which has never stopped since the day that God said here is your land, here is a sword, go and kill in my name, so you have your land you have your place of worship, the place you call holy, a place riddled with bullet holes and blood, a place you can pray for the relief of sins of this war.


However I am not sorry for saying this, nor stating this is a wrong.




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