Wednesday, July 24, 2013

A Solution

A solution is simple too simple to be seen, we look first to love how is it shown, then we look to our communities how do we treat each other with love? Then we go to the halls of Government and we stand for what is right, can we show love without might?


Simple is it seen hard is the journey of love, one first steps away from self and gives to another that is the power of love, love is not charity it is clarity, a gift of love in thought or deed stands stronger. Give a hug, Give with love.


There is so much Music in love, there is so much Art in love we forget the power of love.


It is too simple to see love.


How much of history is written as a description of love? How many poems, songs, paintings how much of man is about love?


How much in you does love live, how much do you give?


Love has no bounds and can not be bound, it has no weakness for it is made of meekness.


With what clarity can you see the value of a love given away, to what need does saying I have love.


That is the strength of love.


Too simple to see.


What child does not respond to love? What teacher can not teach of love? What painter does not paint of love?


Light a candle of love and the light of the candle lasts longer than the giver, it is given and given and returned and given to only be returned as love, it can not change it can not hide, it is the light of love.


Its strength is seen in the eye, its only weakness is the deny.


Look at man his history, the stories his advances his weakness you tell me is what we are here for is to show love. Hidden in the litany of a Gods war.


The reason for you the reason for me is love, how and who will you touch with love is the only reason of love the only reason of your story or of my story love is the only history.

Can you find the solution in love? What value does a gun have in love? What meaning is a bomb to love?

What strength has a child got when he feels love? What is the strength is saying I care? how strong is a smile?

Can you grow something from the Earth without love? Does not each form of life respond to love? Does not a plant grow and dance if you play music to it? Does not a child show more become more if they are shown love?

What weakness is in intelligence that love can not strengthen?


What have we yet found that does not contain a reason of love? The Stars? The Biology? How can that be? You were made of love? and love made everything, it is in between each thing, it is the rhythm of the math, it is the discovery, it is the bravery, it is what defines man.


Love is by far older than any religion and contains no religion. Love is the only universal like time it can not be given nor taken, it can not be hidden, nor shaken, it can not be measured, yet it is the only thing considered about you.


Chas gets off the soapbox and pauses with a smile..........Why else could I be here.....I wave with a smile breaming with volume........Why else but love.........

Turn the lights out when you get done....if one can be done with love.....

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