Monday, July 29, 2013

Projected at me......

It is my understanding that the view of what I do for a living, can be confusing to some, some will with haste judge me upon work I achieve, others will judge me upon income I make, however to judge me about morals of values based on what I do, has little to do with my ability to have a loving lasting relationship, Nor the values and morals of the by products such a relationship such as children and friends.


My work solicits emotions, among them jealousy and envy, for you to believe that I live with those emotions or morals there of, is a mistake, my relationships are of the most importance to me, to project jealousy or envy as a perception of your value of love, or of the love of my friends and family, is clearly a by product of your own fear of understanding what a loving caring relationships foundations are.


Jealousy, the fear of loosing a love, is more a chain of control than a value of love. It is something that neither my wife nor my children have within the love we share which if you ever take the time to get to know us know we share with our friends and the people we work with.


Understanding that envying that is at the heart of all jealousy a core of self reflections of less or of not having upon which your self projections are founded. Is another thing we have limited understanding of, nor is it value with which we seek to project.


In light of these misconceptions rest assured that even though my work entails the use of sexy images, thinking that my wife and I suffer from jealousy or envy simply shows the complete misunderstanding of the values and work it takes to have a loving caring relationship, one without fear of loosing that same loving caring relationship.


Saying anything other, would be a direct reflection of morals which you build your love, it is not how we developed ours.

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