Friday, July 26, 2013


When do you say enough is enough? When do you make a stand? What is the line that has to be crossed, just when do you say enough is enough?


No not why or even what, when is about that decision.


That moment of time that stands before all action, the seconds as you have completed the process of elimination of not doing something, thus start entertaining the beginnings of a plan of conduct.


Does three things fall.


Selfishness, down to the thought that someone else can or will do something about it, to the hopes it will fix itself, even to the belief of the community.


Self, the exact measure of who you are.


Judgment, defining the Why and the What against Self and Selfishness.


At that point does the view change, at that point is character made.


You take all that you have learned in becoming who you are and balance it between your desires and your fear.


Think for a moment not of the why or even the what, but at who you.  Not where you came from nor live, not how you were raised but the person that you are. See even you can take god out of it. But you did not take love out of it.


Now if even one tenth of what has been said, pro to con as true, would it not stand to reason, that though the values hold true, if you take away Christian, you take away Muslim and you take away Jew you take away 90% of all wars, 75% of most governments expense, you take away roadside bombs, you take away terrorist And for that you take away ten churches, ten mosques, and you take away ten synagogues.


Of this “God” do history you make. 


Alas it is not my honor at stake.

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