Emotions at play,
When emotions are solicited the response will always be
How come it is
attack seems to be the only answer for anything in America, ok I mean from
Politics seems like the attack stance is so important When will Republicans and
Democrats finally reject the Rovian approach of pitting Americans against
Americans and sowing division and hate in our political process?
This becomes so
clear during the non presidential elections, no wants to discuss certain
topics, so to avoid them it becomes about attacking a person, why?
Well lets play
the emotion game on a topic no one wants to talk about….
33.3 million People
have fled wars, just this year why would people leave a war zones?
Okay so here is
the plays, emotions and emotions…..
Don’t like
abortions, Don’t like gay marriage, Don’t like drugs, Don’t like guns, Don’t
like porn, Don’t like it when these things take you down an emotional trail,
Don’t feed into it. This is diversions by using your emotions.
Okay here are
real emotions, today someone will die by a weapon of War, people will leave a
war zone becoming a refugee, homeless, jobless, they become the needy.
The very fact that on each side, these political parties have
endorsed these alliances of greed becomes ever more obvious to us the people.
This greed and alliance has been on-going now for over 60 years, where the
production of war materials out-does the moral obligation of this nation to
support the very core concepts it was built upon and the needs of its people.
This alliance to corporations has fostered avoidance of both tax, and
accountabilities, and has allowed and in fact directly caused more and more of
the very destruction of human life which the Federal Government claims to be
interested in protecting us from.
Our national debt, a direct effect of their spending
outbalancing our gross domestic product, can be traced always to alliances with
corporate lobbyists as well as self-serving war. When the United States Federal
Government publishes publicly that the subsidies for defense spending, foreign
aid, and unconstitutional government organizations (I’m talking to you, NSA,
TSA, Homeland Security, and others) as well as tax cuts for companies that
supply our defense contracts, total more than a TRILLION dollars, it’s not
difficult to see where this money goes and where the corruption lies.
Our nation was founded upon the very concept so eloquently
put into words that I believe to this day reflect the reason of this nation’s
creation by the poet Emma Lazarus in a plaque for all of the world to see, with
the inscription on the Statue of Liberty, “Give me your tired, your poor, Your
huddled masses, yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming
shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I light up my lamp
beside the golden door.” This poem
presents the very reason why this is such a great nation not of war, but of the
value of the individual no matter the financial ability or status or where we
have come from, that this nation is to be a place of peace, a place of
encouragement and a place of freedom for those who have so little.
These budgets have only increased the value of the most
underhanded and greedy of individuals and their puppet “representatives.”
It is this, the
most horrific of all human behavior that must now be confronted and ceased, by
popular vote. By impeachment or march, the message to our citizenship and to
the world as a whole must be corrected. It is the moral of this nation to
support those here and in every corner of the world which brings us the title
of greatness, not the value of war and the killing of innocents, nor the
rejections of our own elderly and poor.
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