Wednesday, May 28, 2014


I should return you now to a wish that became a dream.


To what honor of greed are you voting for this year when the electoral collage is being selected, Your Congressman and Senators have passed a bill from the house to the Senate about how much you are willing to spend on weapons of War, ( they call this the Defense Bill.) I want to again point out that the very first thing done this year by Congress was to ask for the Money to continue the War on Terror and the funds it takes to wage that war, they not only asked for what was approved and discussed, but they also asked for and got every single penny for every single issue of dissentions about each project that was not needed, unrealistic, outdated and a duplicate of another requested amount. It was the first letter written by Joe Bidden the President of the Senate a responsibility of being Vice President it was addressed to the President for a mediate action, as it would put our National Interests in Danger.


Okay so continuing this year just like last year, is a committee of representatives tasked with asking and finding out what is actually needed, and what we could possibly save a few dollars on. They take this huge request of trillions and cut a few outdated, unneeded or duplicate requests from it and present that to the Senate for approval and vote, then on to the president to be signed into law.


Now the back to that letter, it requested and received enactment for everything including the discretionary, and the dissention list, those things that just don’t want to go away like duplication of services, so the EPA, Post Office, BLM, NSA, Homeland Security, the FBI, CIA, the State Police, County Police, the local Police all now have SWAT teams and really cool new armored personnel carriers, and a butt load of brand new guns in which to SWAT practice. Fill that huge tank of gas, practice and practice shooting someone, Personally removing a persons life by practice of precision. I wonder how much practice they get in talking a person out of a bad situation, or how many carry non lethal weapons. ( but that would be only prudent to think of).


That letter and that enactment with all those funds approved or in the dissention list was paid for all the way back in January, I wonder how fast it will be approved again next year after you have a chance to do something.


Accountability Versus this Propaganda the reality is we are at war against Hobgoblins and Hoodlums at the tune of 16.2 trillion dollars, and only 1.1 trillion pays for anything other than Defense.


A War of Fear.


No Child Should Die by a Weapon of War.



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