Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Conscious not the party!

To the conscious not the party should you Vote.


What we know inside, what we see in the news, together shows us all clearly there is something wrong.


To vote your conscious is the principle of the Vote, there is concern about how and what our government is doing, there question in each of us.


Listen to those questions, that curiosity to find out what is unsettling to YOU the single Vote, the voice of this nation.


Stray not into the deceptions of Jacket color, nor campaign Promise but look to the future you yourself would wish upon your neighbors, your friends, your family.


Look to the reason of your knowing that there is something wrong, there with pause of thought, think to the wellbeing of each other, look to the person next to you, friend, family, and neighbor.


The reason of our greatness of this and all other Nations is that. A nation that the voice that leads it is yours!


That each taking the time of thought for each other binds this Union that We stand forth in voice as well as actions for the betterment of each other thus betterment of the world in which we should lead.


This the responsibilities of the individual, the reason of our Liberty. 


To the core come the question, a question begging your attention “As You today look to neighbor, your family and your friends what else gives them the Care of our pretext, our reasons for joining together, but this the heart of your duty.”


Warning there is care to be taken in your selection for your options are many, remember this is your voice should you feel limited in choice, then do you have the ability to VOTE in another even yourselves, by vote, by voice, by grievances that is your duty.


Look again to the idea of your dream, of your prosperity compare it clearly with what your see, with what you hear, the unsettling fear, that emotion, that conviction and with CARE, END those doubts, those questions.


Without your VOTE the FEAR is achieved and your VOICE is no longer herd.




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