Sunday, October 26, 2014

Is the issues Real or is it Discriminations?

Is the issue really Love?
I enjoy love, I look into the eyes of my dearest friend and there find feeling returned.
Is the issue really Love, or is the issue control?
Marriage a agreement between two individuals of affection, there is no value in the affections if you can not agree to some kind of return, does the color of your eyes make that return different? Surly not, for the affection returned is from the other looking at you through those very eyes. Would it be okay to say you can not marry because you are over weight? Then why is it not if you are gay?
Can you say what love for another is? Can you say “you can not return these feelings of affection to another”? Are they not as individual as you?
Is family planning the issue, or is the issue control?
Can you say to me that I can only father so many children? Is that not my decision to make? Why is the responsibility laid inside a woman and outside only for man? Is it not the man who is the Father, does not that Father have a right to make that decision as well? Why are most all contraception’s for woman only? Why is it her body her decision, when to build a child it takes a male as well?
Is it only Women that abuse the system, or is this control?
How come the term Welfare Mothers does not include Welfare Fathers? Is it only the young woman that have the issue of living on welfare, if there are actually such a thing?
Is the issue really Drugs, or is the issue really control?
Is there a difference between Marijuana, Heroin, Methamphetamines, Prescriptions Drugs, and Alcohol to an Addict? Is one worse than the other to the Addict? Is everyone who drinks Alcohol an Addict?
Are whites less likely to drive drunk? Are white less likely to be addicts? How come from arrest, convictions, sentencing and probation/parole one in three is Black, one in six is Latino, one in seventeen White? Are women less likely to be addicts? How come they are only one out of fifty six in convictions, sentencing, and incarcerated?
It would seem to anyone looking at the real issues, the only rational explanation would be DISCRIMINATIONS!
Republican or Democrat if they voted for the continued funding by enacting this LAW; HJ Res 76, Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Resolution 2014, HJ Res 124 now public Law 113-164  
Then they are responsible for DISCRIMINATIONS, of Sex, of National Origin, and the Under Privileged, enacted by this LAW.
Mike Simpson (R) ID voted so, in fact he is part of the Budget appropriations committee, he has also voted in support of each of these issues repeatedly since his election ’98.
Governor Butch Otter, Has supported this blindly, has bound the STATE of Idaho to these DISCRIMINATIONS. Above his pledge to schools or business, this is his agenda. CONTROL by DISCRIMINATIONS.
Idaho Join me, AMERICA JOIN ME in sending a clear message to our Leadership, and PLACE a WRITE IN Candidate you believe would be better, and VOTE to end these discriminations by these two parties!

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