Friday, October 10, 2014

Hidden in a War of Profit, Mike Simpson

Representative Mike Simpson (R) Idaho,


Can you please explain to me the idea of Security to the children here at home and over sea’s if the idea of security is to make people feel safer, why under executive order #13440 states that the director of the CIA, is given the authority to determine what is defined as Torture, Even above the law here and above the Geneva Convention agreement of 1949?


Is that not the same US Government part of the law of the Patriot Act. That Declares as Homeland Securities reason and right of data, use of Facebook recognition software, Social Media intrusions, and the capture of digital communications including email and text?


Mr. Simpson does that not give the right of holding without trail individuals within well as outside of the US anyone including a US citizen as along as they are not held here in the US?


Mr. Simpson as part of the appropriation committee can you explain the amount of such prisons, funded and in use through out the world, I am sure the locations and Names would be classified as a national security, however the amount and the amount of that cost is not, So sir what is the amount of prisons where the Director of either Homeland Security or the CIA is at present and has through out the last seven years held prisoners of the Terror conflict?


How many of those being held have done business as CIA operatives in supplying or arming or the direct solicitations of acts of terror?


How sir does it feel to over turn what your Fathers generation fought and won, the idea of stopping Tyrants and the hidden genocides and mistreatments of a human?


Sir How can you set in faith of Oath, continuing a political agenda of inhuman acts, the direct solicitation of terror through the arming of Rebels to place America at the Ill-will and Ill-intent, of not only the rebels/hoodlums/criminals and the harm they do, but the nations of a different religious belief?


How come sir you by vote have allowed a Jihad, A Crusade in title and action as response to Fear of the loss of Oil revenues?


On the morrow Mike we go in depth into this War on Terror and the War on Drugs with one focus, all weekend long, the Crusade the GOP Republicans and the Democrats have placed us into for the purpose of profit.



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