Monday, March 10, 2014

A Secret....

I have a secret, it is hushed when discussed, it is the biggest fear of mine, it represents a small span of time, just one lifetime, I will use a child of four to explain my fear, I will my son Xanto as his life has just begun.


Fifty years of time; Fifty years what a child has done by Fifty years of time. Will my son have a son, and will that son be in school learning about what we have done.


Fossil Fuel is estimated to last about 150 years at today’s technologies and consumptions given the same rate of growth to consumptions as have enjoyed over the last Fifty years.


I wish I could make this a bit smaller or of really cool looking text something to show it as a secret.


World food productions at today’s technologies and consumptions leaves ten percent of the population starving, at the same rate of growth to consumptions at Fifty years, that is about one billion people or one in ten of the expected ten billion world population.


Our governments, have placed the maximum return value on getting you used to war.


Instead of spending billions of dollars world wide on food, technologies and ingenuities have been a slave to machines of war, instead of investing in water recovery programs, they invested in tanks, instead of investing urban renewal, they bought a jet, and instead of education they spent the money on munitions. (I am going to pause here for the members outside of the United States, you may break if you will, listen if you dare.).


I should declare it as them or they, but you voted for them or they, or so they remind you. That you want it this way, it is a hard sell to sell hate and war to such a scale, fear has been used in a way to say to you, that there is never enough, always a new fear at a grander and grander scale. That you spend more today than you did building the atomic arsenal of the cold war which we still have enough of to kill the world population a hundred times. Yes it is a hard sell to let you believe, that another few billion in arms will be bought, sold or used today.


(Is everyone back now? Break is over…)

All of this done in the last Fifty years, to what am I to teach my son to expect of his.


It does not have to be this way, our ingenuity our technologies and our children are what we give to them to solve the problems we can not solve ourselves, should invest in their future today, what would their education be if we spent one in ten dollars on that.


What would our water resources look like if we spent one in ten dollars on that for just one year, how much better would we have it, how much better would we give them..


What of we spent one in ten dollars on food technologies do you think we would have better farms, better food for us that we could give to them today…



What would it be like to invest one in ten dollars made in health care improvements? Would there really be better health care for us to give to them…..


What would it be like to spend one in ten dollars on alternative utilities, would it be better for them, than the sound or a video on news of war…?


If I were to stop right there and ask what would our lives be like if we just did those five….world wide what would life be like…


What if we took one in ten dollars and invested in transportation, what type of over haul would a bus or train or a truck to market get, what would it be like? How much better today can we make it give to them? If this one was done world wide, how would it better from food to people to travel, how better could we make it for them. How much cooler could one be, to meet a family from Beijing while vacationing with my family in Cairo learning what the Ancients knew about a desert life, how cool could we make that today with just one in ten dollars spent.


How much more would we know if we invested one in ten on sciences from Biology to Space, what would it be like to learn about our planet, from the depths of the seas to the seas of space, what would we learn, to give to them? You think we could give them a vacation spot on the moon where star gazing and earth gazing can be done as one? Or maybe a life free of cancer I mean what could not be done.


What if we invested one in ten dollars on improving our neighbors, world wide just go help some one with any one of these, I mean would not that be something to give to our children a better world, would that not make it better today.


What if we took one in ten dollars and cleaned up our planet, I mean we did make the mess, maybe we should clean it up a bit, for them would that be better today for them and better to give them.


And lastly would it not be better to give them safety by in vesting one in ten dollars so that this does not happen again. Yes the cost of one in ten to restructure our laws, our courts, our representatives our governments so that this does not happen again. That would include that general and all his men.


That is one in ten dollars made, not borrowed in my son’s name.


Now one should ask would that no affect our economy, the answer is yes it would but not as much as you would think, it would about one percent would be affected, as industry and ingenuity retooled bring new products to market, from the giants of industries today, to back yard garages is where we are today, how many ideas could become reality today if they were funded.



Look at man all over the planet, look at humanity we like to live in peace, we like to trade, we like our cultures, we like to share those things each one of us, each one shows care more than war, each one wants better.


What would be better than to live as we believe in peace, what would you share, what would I, that proves this; life is equal to all life, equal to a one, from the great horn, to china, to the corners and hills, valleys and fields, from the out skirts of a community to the heart of the largest, from the handicapped to the richest we are equal to a one.


What does it take to prove this is human nature, what does it take to convince you to look out side right now, look at how we live, look at how we grow are food, look at our homes where we prepare our foods, look at how we raise our young to school them together to learn better, to share better. Look upon the pillow the place you lay your head for comfort and sleep, together in a community is that not what we call humanity.


That one percent would the politicians and their partners who make you believe other wise. Those without conscious enough to sell whole scale destruction, bank on the profit of it, knowing they can convince you to use it. It will affect them as they realize that their life has now got to change.


It will affect every child made; it will affect your day. It will change humanity in a lasting way.


I offer no pardon, nor remorse, to those that perpetuate this, the lie, the myth of the need of war. To take to the level of expense to which it is, to chase Hobgoblins and Hoodlums of the world. While leaving the care of your own Child’s education abandoned, a reflection of the care you show to communities you would represent. I have no faith in you. You should all go home with hat in hand.


I have in faith humanity. I faith in my fellow man, that each believe life a precious reflection of man, a joy and wonderment, a life, to live as they believe with a quality of sharing, of learning, of caring which is beyond all other life we know, a reflection of our own humanity.












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