Thursday, March 13, 2014


An Artist is set to conjure as if by magic a presentation of visual impact, solicitation of the emotions of the viewer by design. A photographer must be able to do that on demand.


Art and the first medium developed, the voice, are the foundation of being human, look at what we know about raising our young, bright colors, blocks, patterns help a child to read to learn, music helps with the development of math.


There is a thing called a technical artist, some one who studies a medium or style to become proficient, in our history we called them smiths, a wood smith, a paper smith, a blacksmith, they are tied to the value of the medium.


Left and right side of the brain, this cracks me up when I think about it a bit visually, if we were to have actually developed by the side of the brain we would look like a large walking flounder, with eyes to one side or our heads, mouth and lips moving to match, everyone one would start this way, and slowly grow into a rounded head. Except for a few who would be stuck for life looking like that flounder.


Art is the first communication skill developed it is also the first emotional coping skill, one can take a box of colored chalk, walk to a park starting drawing even stick men, within minutes someone will either watch or ask about it, the younger they are the quicker they are to jump in. It doesn’t matter the country or the language.


Without caves or sidewalks all painted up, we would not be called human, art is the core of who and what we are, it is the defining moment of our development. Art is the reason we are entitled above animals, it is the reason of being human.


As for the statements about out education, I laugh at all the hype about the cores of reading and writing, like after some kind of event at age four they just start reading and understanding, forgetting the first four years of the foundation of art, some think that humans need more of reading, writing and math suddenly, art our foundation is the highest of value of education, yet the least to taught.


We would not have our letter Tee without the artist who drew the symbol, nor anything before it, nor after it, human education should reflect that.



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