Wednesday, September 10, 2014

A reply to confusion

“Chas, I appreciate your input, sort of. I do think that both of the last 2 presidents have put us [the US citizenry] in situations that were unnecessary.” C Daniel Myers


Excuse me here if it were only the Executive office, then it would be very easy to jump over to take the campaign donations, the list of donors to those Super-Packs, Packs, Social Packs, the lobbyist organizations, to see who profited from the contracts awarded, tie a nice little bow around it, present it to the Attorney General, let him have fun calling in all these people on National TV.


That being said, the President even under War Powers can not write law, he can give orders for short times, for some actions, which give the appearance and the power of law to be followed, however even those orders must become law or be repeated after the allowed duration of time. Repeatedly issuing an Executive Order without that order either expiring, or becoming Law is Abuse of Powers. ( step one of the perfect avoidance.)


From the list of Bills that with a flurry passed both the House and the Senate pre summer break, comes the four Military, Intelligence, Energy and State department funding bills as well as an emergency Iron Dome for Israel, (Israel at the time was bombing the hell out of people shooting rockets them presenting the horror of what hoodlums will do with a gun, a bomb, a rocket or Tank. Some chose to File law suite of Abuse of Powers, others chose to investigate each other for Tax by the new spying capabilities, and all complained there are Kids at the southern boarder running from a War, all of which they just escalated and continued to fund. ) . ( step two of the perfect avoidance “Cover”)


Wisdom or folly from the reaction of 911, Congress took an Executive Order, Wrote the required aspects into it and drafted the Patriot Act Pub Law No. 107-56, part of the requirement of that law is the bringing to trail supporters, suppliers, and funders of Terror. The Department of Justice, under the powers granted to the New Department of Homeland Security are so assigned that task. The Department of Defense, CIA, NSA, FBI and the rest of the other over 16 secrete spy agencies, the complete might of the US Military and local police forces. (militarization of local police to be combat ready.) Have failed to bring one Arms Dealer, One Supplier of Weapons, One Funder of Terror to court. The goal of the law.


Every Department of Defense, State, Intelligence and Energy ( Nukes) budget since the passing of that Law has had reference to that Public law as a justification of expense and increase of expense. Enabling actions covert as well as overt to bring these Hoodlums with guns to justice, these actions and the build up have been carried out to the letter of that law by the members of the Armed Services and these Agencies, with the exception of bringing a Supplier a Funder a Arms Dealer to Justice.


So to approve in one month over a thousand pages of requested increase, to those same budget requests, over and over the 12 years since that public law was enacted without the requirements being met is Dereliction and Negligence of Duty by the Congress and House, per their oath of office. Or should Congress and Senate suffer the fate of “take the campaign donations, the list of donors to those Super-Packs, Packs, Social Packs, the lobbyist organizations to show who profited from the contracts awarded, tie a nice little bow around it, present it to the Attorney General, let him have fun calling in all these people on National TV.”


For sure they can not blame that on both Commander and Chief’s, nor some Military Lt. Commander.


How come that is a folly of the law, it has long been the foreign policy of the US to use CIA, operatives and Special Contractors to infiltrate Terrorist groups, Fund and Arm Rebels to achieve the goals of National Interest and National Security. The implication being we are arming Terrorist/Rebel groups, this is not law but policy.


By order of the law that is a violation of the law if no funder supplier or dealer is placed on trail. In Anger, Fear, and Arrogance was that law passed. Almost as perfect as the Ego of Reagan and the Tear the Wall Down Speech, just brought home.


The Wars are unfunded, the Alliance of Privilege, Militarization of Local Police, the Special Contractors, the Special Financing of Arms all undone by Negligence and Dereliction of Duty. That no President, no officer of the court, nor a setting elected Official is excused from following the letter of the law, and they did this to themselves.


So now that those Congressmen and Senators have been proven to be at best Negligent in their duties, it is time to elect new bodies of representations, so this new body can pick the next president through the new Electoral College.


See everyone wins, using negligence instead of Tax investigations and Abuse of Powers besides it is law.




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