Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Confusion about my words? Really

Sadly I did understand your complaint of my writing, I do seem to get a bit more emotional in expressions of feelings such as shock and horror, it would seem as well as I get a bit more wordy when trying to express things like morals, or even moral obligations.


So that there is no more confusions bewilderment or lack of clarity.


On this thread alone I have shown that each and every setting Congressmen and Senator have done their utmost to produce laws that will stop terrorists, however they are derelict in their duties of enforcement of those same laws, both in policy and actions, and dereliction of duty is a charge to which they should be held accountable.


I have shown that a privileged alliance has set ill-will, and actions of horror against both America and the state of Israel.  I have shown since 1962 this is and has been the root cause of terrorists within the Middle East. This all of the world also sees.


I have shown that these leaders are fully aware of this. I have shown that these members focus has been on one thing, the continued build up of military armaments in the Middle East, which is in fact not a defense of this Nation, but a defense of continued miss managements of a failed Policy of migration of Israelis.


I have shown that without the backbone of the law, the courts, they have failed to produce a single supporter of Terror to be prosecuted showing clear poof of funding, actions, of the atrocities to which they should stand trail for. This is a Negligence of duty. I have shown “Why” they have chosen not to follow the law they wrote.


The foreign policy of arming rebels to fight rebels, which without the backbone of the courts and the trails of the indicted, is a clear violation of the LAW, PUB Law No. 107-56 an action that should send clear fear to the world and the American People, for that policy without the backbone of the courts, makes arming rebels to fight rebels an act of terrorism by their own definition. This becomes an act of execution with out trail, a clear violation of the constitution.


I have shown that these leaders have approved over 6.9 trillion in military weaponry and defense, without a single world country as an enemy of military conflict. I have shown the only conflicts we have had is in US Interests, or National Security have been the US Secretes of the rebels we have armed in the past.


I have shown that with this full knowledge they continue as if morally obligated the production, the placement of military might in the Middle East at the cost of our allies, and our own citizens with special favor granted in every way the state of Israel, at the cost of lives though out the Middle East.


All the while these same leaders have cried, not enough money for social, domestic, or Peace that they have claimed the right to shut off services of function, while failing to hold themselves accountable for the expense of military might. They continue to ask for your support for our young men and women to provide the security world over, to fight these Rebels, they have asked us to be diligent, they have asked for right to continue these wrongs, they are asking for you vote right now. Republican or Democrat they are asking you to continue to support their failed policies, and their negligence and dereliction of duty.


America is tired of the Wars, Tired of the domestic needs of our nation being second to that of the Military, America is tired of failure after failure and the constant need to redo the work of disarming of terrorists. When we have laws that will save lives, money and produce the failure of the rebels from a Court, socially hinder them in their country, economically hinder them in funding, in 12 years of this law not one has been brought before a judge on our soil nor the soil of our allies.


This is Dereliction of duty, Negligence of Duty, and Contempt of law, an incompetence of leadership at best.






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