Monday, April 21, 2014

501 c 3's really

Another point of mine gets a bit of attention….


@Chas, you provide an interesting insight that sparked the following question for the group "can greed exists within a 501(c)(3) [nonprofit] organization?"


Can it? It does all the way a crossed the board, the very structure allows this, administrations get up to 19 percent of all income, some take that fully, others no so fully but that is the structure. In my opinion is the whole "501" area of organizations has more or is more about that little chuck of funds than about the intention of the organization.


LOL With the Presidential mandate that even food stamps be doled out by "Supporting religious ( call it spiritual organizations if you must) organizations" Those 501 C3's get 19 percent to do that very thing, now that is 19 percent of something they did not go out and get but was given to them to assist the most needy by the government, that is right 19 percent of what the congress right now is saying is to expensive goes to 501 C3 administrations, that amount is more than when the government itself did the actual work, what is more how perfect does that buy those helpful individuals support to other political agendas. Another thing that is horrifying is they with that mandate actually have those 501 C3 working for the state, a clear violation of church and state no matter how you slice it.


Think for a moment about Goodwill Idaho, a non profit 501 c3, that has been given the responsibilities to dole out food stamps, a non denominational Christian organization, handing out food stamps to the refugees from Bosnia, where Christians raped and killed any Muslim they could find and when I say that, it is being very kind to those Christians behaviors. On top of that offense, they get to collect 19 percent of the food stamp money to administer those food stamps, How much do you think the board of directors is now going to increase the pay to those administrators? That is our tax dollars being miss used.


I can point out another like the drug treatment centers, the detox centers just as easily.


Not all, but the very structure of the whole non profit 501 c categories, are really about that profit. From Super Pac’s to good old churches they have a louder voice than any individual under the present system. The greed of that is appalling under the guise of helping. Every code and law about corporations needs to be readdressed, if not completely done away with.


Food for thought, tithing only asks for ten percent, but look what that ten percent has done over the years to the Catholic Church, the Pope sets on a golden throne, while millions of Catholics are starving world wide.  It is an old corruption it still does not make it right. Asking them to melt that throne down and supply soup kitchens is never going to happen, Our congressmen and Presidents (  the Bushes and Obama ) have found a way to make that happen for every non profit, and prior to that, our senators and congressmen have made that happen for every corporation out there, with no liabilities nor accountabilities, all the way down to the small LLC’s.





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