Saturday, April 26, 2014

If history was writen by honest men

Ah if history was actually written by honest men…


One would have found that many, many women were used in war, playing on the very empathy of men.


Old wars would have shown that to take a land from another was but only part of the war, but to hold that land required something that men required, the comforts of women, in fact, it the new land became like home with those comforts presented, which shows clearly that it may take one person to scare a man into his house, alas a hundred is the need to take him out of that house.


The empathy of men is played through out history, cold is the heart when unjust, a rage ensues when fear of loss of home is brought to bear.


I have found no perfect written history of man, for it is without the history of woman. No one side of us is of greater violence nor tolerance without the other side of the coin of who we are. If history was really written well, one would find more of the discoveries of today’s theories of how we work are very old, yet still some what blind to humanness.


Humanity is reflected perfectly in a coin, no matter where the coin is from. To one side of the coin is the ego of a man minted in display a reflection of male, hammered to perfection by a smith to represent to others the value of such, a display of the ego of male. The other side of the same coin, the reflection of home, house, land or building a place to contain the values of the woman, a place where she may reside hammered to perfection by the smith to show the value of what we desire a place of comfort, of moral, of law the justice of a woman’s moral. The thin reality of the coin, without one side or the other you have no thickness of the coin, smoothed by none but the value of each. Thus is the display of humanity met, by the weight of each joined.


This could be the real reason Justice is a woman with eyes and ears covered, holding the scales of the emotion of decisions, blind to the deeds, deaf to the cries, it is hers to show what the value of what is right.


To stop wars humanity needs to understand that each without the other is but a wrong awaiting an action or inaction, in today’s realities of humanity this is not reflected by our leadership, and show’s how easy it is to manipulate all of humanity simply by placement of women behind the men.


This is in my opinion the first foundation of wrongs that our beliefs in leadership we have, is misplaced.  For one side of humanity is not less but equal and is needed to form a leadership of stewardship of our future, a thickness, a weight of humanity.


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