Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Reluctant in love...I?

Reluctant lol, I once in 1984 died I have a toe tag from that, in 2005, I was told to expect less than 90 days of life, I have bullet holes and pieces missing, reluctant me no I out right fought against life and love.

I have often wondered the reason of why, to which I have never found an excuse, one day will I have a good long talk with St. Peter at those gates which I do not think will bode well for me……LOL Poor Peter….Me & Michael might tangle that day, but he would have to explain the why as well…..

The love in life is never what I once thought it was, nor could I ever reflect what I found. Long is a path of life, short is the distance between love and life.

My children are named after Gods and Flowers of which I have only seen in their eyes. Orion the hunter of good fortune, Hana the blossom of every flower, Xanto the golden god of gifts of old. How shall I a mere mortal live a life to those who shall follow the likes of I.

Belief in love has no boundaries, it has more strength than I.

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