A letter to the People of the United States of America :
It is with great concern that I write this letter to the
individuals of each state, who by Constitutional law have elected the present
body of Representatives and Senators that by this time have, by known alliances
to lobbyists and corporate interests and without fear of impeachment, dictated
the value of our country to include a mandated value of state-sponsored war and
exploitation of the American people.
They have, by their personal admissions in the budget, in
fact overturned the very core ideal of this, the greatest of nations. By the
solemn additions and sworn secrecy, they have passed law after law and act
after act such as the Patriot Act which will keep this great nation perpetually
at war, under the guise of National Interest in and out of our own borders,
even going so far as to attack the American people themselves.
The United
States could now openly embark on wars
purely out of self-interest. The term National Interest can be seen as the
economic justification for the aggressive pursuit of wars purely out of the self
interest of an elite corporate lobbyist interest, whose sole purpose is to
produce aggression upon other nations and now our own people for profit.
It is such a horror, such inhumanity that its perpetrators
should be tried in accordance with our own laws up to and including treason to
the true interest of the United
States of America and its people.
The very fact that on each side, these political parties have
endorsed these alliances of greed becomes ever more obvious to us the people.
This greed and alliance has been on-going now for over 60 years, where the
production of war materials out-does the moral obligation of this nation to
support the very core concepts it was built upon and the needs of its people.
This alliance to corporations has fostered avoidance of both tax, and
accountabilities, and has allowed and in fact directly caused more and more of
the very destruction of human life which the Federal Government claims to be
interested in protecting us from.
With the new proposed GOP Budget submitted by Representative
Paul Ryan, and the present budget approved by the Democrat leadership including
the now-sitting President of these United States, the design of these alliances
to not only be aggressive to other nations, but now aggressive to the most needy
of our population including the elderly and the poor has become apparent.
Let also the bankers, CEO’s and other prime contributors and profiteers to the war on the American way of life be identified and tried for their treasonous and heinous crimes against the people of the United States of America and against humanity in general. We, the people must not abide or overlook the source and prime contributions to the system of greed which has kept us and other disadvantaged peoples of the world in perpetual debt.
Our national debt, a direct effect of their spending outbalancing our gross domestic product, can be traced always to alliances with corporate lobbyists as well as self-serving war. When the United States Federal Government publishes publicly that the subsidies for defense spending, foreign aid, and unconstitutional government organizations (I’m talking to you, NSA, TSA, Homeland Security, and others) as well as tax cuts for companies that supply our defense contracts, total more than a TRILLION dollars, it’s not difficult to see where this money goes and where the corruption lies.
Let also the bankers, CEO’s and other prime contributors and profiteers to the war on the American way of life be identified and tried for their treasonous and heinous crimes against the people of the United States of America and against humanity in general. We, the people must not abide or overlook the source and prime contributions to the system of greed which has kept us and other disadvantaged peoples of the world in perpetual debt.
Our national debt, a direct effect of their spending outbalancing our gross domestic product, can be traced always to alliances with corporate lobbyists as well as self-serving war. When the United States Federal Government publishes publicly that the subsidies for defense spending, foreign aid, and unconstitutional government organizations (I’m talking to you, NSA, TSA, Homeland Security, and others) as well as tax cuts for companies that supply our defense contracts, total more than a TRILLION dollars, it’s not difficult to see where this money goes and where the corruption lies.
Our nation was founded upon the very concept so eloquently
put into words that I believe to this day reflect the reason of this nation’s
creation by the poet Emma Lazarus in a plaque for all of the world to see, with
the inscription on the Statue of Liberty, “Give me your tired, your poor, Your
huddled masses, yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming
shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I light up my lamp
beside the golden door.” This poem
presents the very reason why this is such a great nation not of war, but of the
value of the individual no matter the financial ability or status or where we
have come from, that this nation is to be a place of peace, a place of
encouragement and a place of freedom for those who have so little.
These budgets have only increased the value of the most underhanded
and greedy of individuals and their puppet “representatives.”
It is this, the most horrific of all human behavior that
must now be confronted and ceased, by popular vote. By impeachment or march,
the message to our citizenship and to the world as a whole must be corrected.
It is the moral of this nation to support those here and in every corner of the
world which brings us the title of greatness, not the value of war and the
killing of innocents, nor the rejections of our own elderly and poor.
It is with this, the very moral of this nation in mind that
I ask you the people of these United
States to stand together in unison and make
clear the return of this great nation’s interest to the people for which it
I ask that each of you reach a decision to support the very
first and most important value of this nation, that the corruptions must be
stopped at all costs and the value of the people each and every one be returned
to the forefront of discussion, to return our ability to provide a guiding
light of care to all of humanity.
I ask that each of these representatives now sitting be returned to the communities from which they have sprung, whether they at present are running to return or not so that a clear new age for the Electoral College allows the power of this country to be displaced from these alliances and returned to the people before our next election of the leadership of this nation.
I ask that each of these representatives now sitting be returned to the communities from which they have sprung, whether they at present are running to return or not so that a clear new age for the Electoral College allows the power of this country to be displaced from these alliances and returned to the people before our next election of the leadership of this nation.
This is the moral responsibility of each and every
individual in America, that the voice of the people be clearly heard again like
the bell of independence from which it has sprung, that the corruption and
tyranny which plagues this nation be brought to light. It is YOUR duty to show
that the people of the United
States of America will not abide mass
slaughter for profit overseas or the exploitation of our own people in our own
back yard.
This is truly the moral of this nation, not the moral of war
but of guidance of the poor to become more than what they were. A founding
principle of this nation, we must see to it that we once again represent to the
world the idea of helping our fellow men and women to achieve prosperity,
freedom, and equality. For indeed, it was written that all people, not just
those of this nation have inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit
of happiness; these concepts are all one and the same and each just as
necessary as each other.
View this letter as a petition for a redress of grievance to
be sent to each and every Governor that they may by your voice and the under
signed recall these Representatives and Senators; and to clear the value of
this nation, agree that these men and women, the Governors themselves should
step aside to be replaced for a violation of the agreement to perform their
duties in a unbiased way, and without the influence of greed, should they
choose to ignore this plea. They must see clearly the desire of the people to
which they accepted this, their chief responsibility, to represent the People
of these United States , for
it is the duty of the Governor of each state to determine their state’s stance
with regards to supporting or leaving this Union .
View this letter as a petition for a redress of grievance that this, a call to action be heard in every corner of every community in each state of this union; that no man, woman, or child who calls themselves American be silent on this, our most important of duties as citizens of this great nation.
View this letter as a petition for a redress of grievance that this, a call to action be heard in every corner of every community in each state of this union; that no man, woman, or child who calls themselves American be silent on this, our most important of duties as citizens of this great nation.
Should this fall upon death ears due to that same corruption,
then in a show of our unanimous voice we should march in peaceful
demonstrations to be seen clearly not as civil disobedience, but as a call to
action for their removal due to their lack of understanding of the very
stewardship to which they were elected and hold in these offices. Let America be
returned to the democracy for, of, and by the people, rather than the greediest
and wealthiest.
Let this letter be forwarded to each of these governors by
any and all means acceptable by law, either by electronic communication or in
physical documents. Let this, the resolve of the people be heard again in the
halls of congress and the senate, in the White House and every other government
institution, and thus represent the true voice of the people like the sound of
the Liberty Bell. Let this no longer go unheard.
In conclusion;
Chas Della Silva
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