Monday, June 9, 2014


A lie by the use of indebtedness, how do you use your feelings of indebt to; as a rationalization to get what you want.


What is this a how to be a politician for dummy’s at America’s expense, there once was a time when the US Government was held accountable, when it was responsible to its actions for what it did or does.


The Bush By Executive order Faith Based initiative placing an interesting thing in front of the world, the ideas that Faith can solve issues related to the health and welfare of America, what a great way to reduce government, to allow a Faith Based program to assist the needy of America, to qualify the Faith agency must be a 501 C3 for doing this great service we allow them to take up to 19% to administer the grant. Perfect solution to many problems.


Until the Junior Senator from Utah Mike Lee a Republican, dropped the poker hand of intention of the conservatives within the GOP, The Marriage and Religious Freedom Act of 2014 Cosponsored by no less than 17 other leading the Republican of the “Cruz Brigade” of moral police.


Library of Congress Summary in part,



Marriage and Religious Freedom Act - Prohibits the federal government from taking an adverse action against a person on the basis that such person acts in accordance with a religious belief that: (1) marriage is or should be recognized as the union of one man and one woman, or (2) sexual relations are properly reserved to such a marriage.

Defines "adverse action" as any federal government action to discriminate against a person who is acting in accordance with such religious belief, including a federal government action to:

deny or revoke certain tax exemptions or disallow a deduction of any charitable contribution made to or by such person; alter the federal tax treatment of, or cause any tax, penalty, or payment to be assessed against, such person or such person's employees with respect to any employee benefit provided or not provided by such person; deem an employee benefit plan covering employees of such person to have lost its status as a qualified plan under the Internal Revenue Code, or to be in violation of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, because the plan fails to provide a benefit, right, or feature on account of such person's religious belief; deny or exclude such person from receiving any federal grant, contract, cooperative agreement, loan, license, certification, accreditation, employment, or similar position or status; or deny or withhold any benefit under a federal benefit program.


Thank God we can reply on the Super Packs to pay for the mass media attention we are about to campaign over.


Can anyone now rationalize the War on Drugs, the War on Terror, or any other republican sponsored lie, the only thing they want to protect is their Super Packs ability to fund the next election. It is a fact that this republican lead government started and maintained two internal wars, and two land wars and have in fact for the last 35 plus years out spent every conceivable budget, under the pretends of the same Super Pack Volley of Media Attentions.


So how do you get the Media to play the game will enter Ted Cruz and the “Text of the free speech Act of 2014;



Short title

This Act may be cited as the Free All Speech Act of 2014.


Application of laws that restrict the political speech of American citizens to media corporations


In general

Any law that restricts the political speech of American citizens shall apply with equal force to media corporations, such as the New York Times, the American Broadcasting Company (ABC), the National Broadcasting Company (NBC), and the CBS Television Network.


No application to American citizens if application to media corporations found unconstitutional

To the extent that the application of a law to a media corporation under subsection (a) is found unconstitutional, such law shall have no force or effect with respect to American citizens.


Well now that we know our Media buddies can be ridiculed without worry about law suit, we can say what we want and because it’s a Super Pack, we don’t have to prove it…


Now if ya think this is all there is let me correct you all of this covers one small minor issue that has plagued the republican party, It’s Poster Child New Secrete Agency, Homeland Security seems to have been running amuck with the check book since the day it was founded, and you sure do not want to look like to have missed manage billions of dollars during an election year, Alas but all those new tech toys do cost don’t they.


HR 4228 a bill of 62 pages of the DHS Acquisition Accountability and Efficiency Act. Which proves that from the very day of enactment Homeland Security has had no oversight at all when it comes to who they purchase what from no matter the cost. Now for the funny part who created all of that Bush again another republican from Texas.


Now why we set and wonder about how this all relates to todays headlines of news. It doesn’t they do not want to talk about these small things. How does this relate to the media attention of same Sex Marriages, It doesn’t it protects the Campaign contributions.


So what is this all about? How do you really hide 16.4 trillion dollars of defense budget miss management. Thank God we can go to church and pray about what needs to be changed for the poor.



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