Thursday, June 12, 2014

Really the economy?

Really great points about the economy…


But really, economics, cost and affect Tea Party or Not, Liberal, Conservative, Republican or Democrat Right or Left, How much are you okay with spending on the destruction of human life, the science of creatively taking a human life, call it defense, call it security, but how much are you willing to say is enough for the development of new and exciting ways and means to destroy a life. A bullet by design is to take life, a bomb to take more, no matter how smart or how cool or impersonal you make it, it is about ending life.


Economics, Cost indirect and actual, how much of that budget you are you okay with being spent on the destruction of human life? What 10, maybe 20, 40 or even Reagan era 50, or the Bushes 80 and 88.3%, Quick question 16.2 trillion spent on budget with no cap nor limit, and no human rational reason of explanation as to why, that budget is so large that we out spend, the next ten countries allies or advisory combined?


How come the treaties we sign are about Weapons and funding those weapons rather than in support of human decency?  


What worries me most about our ideals as a nation they were long forgotten, a guiding light of reason of immigration, of reason to follow, of reason to be a part of such a nation as to be able to elect our own direction.


Next tell how that is a reflection of Good Christian Values to which GOP hardliner or Tea Party, stand together and pray statements display, to what value do you have of the War toys you created in blind contempt of morals or ideals of such great standard to this situation, complain about the expense of feeding the poor while knowingly producing weapons of War at this such a great level of intent to destroy human life.

Someone should have made a statement long ago that states "Careful when you thread of the Constitution". Maybe this is reason the word God was never written into that document, religious fever blinds a man of his thoughts, making him easily manipulated by either church or state


Now I assume some one will want to talk about the roots of the Tea Party and Sara Palin's promise never fulfilled throw the bums out. The reason she became Governor of Alaska the speech the comments the movement, throw the bums out. She never even completed one term as that governor. She sold out to stand behind McCain and a TV show.

I love it when I find a Tea Party member who doesn't even know the movement.


The economy you mean the change in focus from agriculture and industrial to Militarization? What is our number one export now, wheat or weapons sir 1961 to today. Stocks raises and falls that seem to match or have been countered by Occupations, Armed Conflict, Fear, War and constant injury to human life.

A greed of profit from death, a government whose focus is war, and the profits of wars.

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