Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Oh boy that cat is out of the bag

Clinton responded by noting that laws were passed post-9/11 that gave the government a “very broad authority” which was “endorsed by executives in two administrations.”
Okay so we have the ex Secretary of State saying that the Fourth Amendment has been violated by the action of Congress, Yet not one from either side is saying they are going to change it, or repeal the law that violates it.
You mean that with all of the expense of all of this Terror War, that even with the new department of Homeland Security, Everything we left there and all of those special contractors that we do not have enough information to work a military solution.
Incompetence! To the every idea of the laws which violates that four amendment right.
Then the Clear as Mud story of not disclosing and holding everything as Top Secrete.
The only thing clear in all of this is the fact that it is so easy to say its Top Secrete or a National Security issue and you do not have to divulge a thing.
Again it is time to say this as clear as possible, throw the bums out. They know what they did, they even use what they did as a way to say they want more. That Budget of Defense Spending still has yet to have its day in the senate. Another law they will have to repeal due to the fact that the Patriot Act violates the constitution, from individual right to the right of protection of privacy. Yet they will take no action to repeal that law.
To wonder the why of this look to see who profits from it, the military contractors and suppliers, a profit in the taking of another’s life by design or intent. Discrimination by the use of rationalizations without proof.
They said this law would allow them to chase the money down, to chase the supporting structures of the insurgents, yet with in day of our pull out those structures became apparently as untouched, that the banking of these insurgents is still intact, that supporting business and funding remains. The only thing that seems to have been accomplished from this action is proof of Incompetence, or proof of corruptions.
I ask that you read these and discus them openly ask your neighbor your friends if this is what you want America to be run by a group of people who know they have done wrong, but are unwilling to action to correct it.

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