Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Rational Thought

Rational thought sometimes escapes me.


Here we set in a year where control of the House and Senate is to be decided, which means the Electoral College is up for grabs, you know the ones who elect our next President in 2016.


Guppies of the News flash era, instant now news for your busy schedules. According to them the big issues this election cycle, Abortion, Gay Marriage, Gun Rights, Welfare and miss deeds of the other party.  


Okay so Abortion was already decided with Roe versus Wade a right to privacy, The Gay Marriage issue is about choice of love, which again was already settled, with individual choice in the constitution under the same right to privacy, Gun Rights again already settled in the constitution, Wyatt Erupt settled that one in a historically wonderful manor, You have the right to own it, A city has the right to ban it. Then comes Welfare, people are hurting during this “recovery” that is expected.


I can see how all of these things really wants one to become involved and say what your own opinion is about each one of these, you want to make sure you check in to ensure what you think is right is going on.


Although these seem to keep popping up, out right avoidance is used on the Terror War, the Drug War and Marijuana. How does these affect so many people and where is all those miss deeds.


Marijuana well guys from the research to congressional hearings on it, we were lied to, a few times, it does have medical purpose, no one has overdosed themselves to death, and the only way it can be a gateway drug is if it is sold by the gateway drug dealer.


The Drug War is based in part upon those lies, it forces militarization on our communities, its intention is to protect yet with discrimination of race is it enforced.


The Terror War, every one knows this is a religious war at least in some view, a war of cat and mouse of intention, yet the banks and business that support them are never made public, their abilities are hindered by military or contractors, on the ground even on the web, yet the businesses that feed them, sell them arms, or the banks that allow their accounts world wide are not disclosed. The lie of Weapons of mass destructions, the constant questioning over the treatment of prisoners, the use of torture, and the constant violations of our laws they avoid.


Yes they talk about all of these things. Quick question why wont they talk about how the budget has increased every year since the beginnings of the Drug War, highlighted increase since Reagan, on a rate of increase to an amount so large that all of our enemies, as well as all of our allies together spend less.  Or the War on Terror and Even our allies want answers and information released about the Chilcot Inquiry and the letters and conversation between Tony Blair and then President George W. Bush so they can pursue a way to never let such a manipulation happen again, a miss deed we know about.


Yet the expense to assist in the recovery to the individual is just not there. Yet the expense to recover small business is not there, nor is there enough to fix our roads, our Dams our Trains, Our Schools, there is no money there to stop things like Sex Slavery, or Rape, There is not enough there to help stop hunger, or to help with medical bills, there is not enough there for hospitals, there is just not enough there to help our neighbors, there just isn’t enough there to stop wars, there is just not enough there to support peace.


What a shame, to want to hide, to lie, to avoid, while claiming they have great morals, values that support your best interest and share your beliefs. Yet they will not talk about the costs of all this armament. What a shame you believe them still.








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